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Breach and Viper Get Buffs in the Latest VALORANT Patch 1.07

VALORANT Update Buffs Unpopular Agents Breach and Viper

The most recent update to VALORANT has brought significant buffs to the two least popular agents in the game: Breach and Viper.

Riot Games unveiled these changes in their latest Patch 1.07 for VALORANT earlier today. While the patch mainly focused on tweaking the most frequently used agents, the developers have also given some much-needed attention to their less popular counterparts.

Viper Receiving Changes to Toxic Screen and Decay Abilities

Viper, who is known as the least popular agent in VALORANT according to, has undergone significant adjustments in her early and late-game capabilities. With the new update, she can now place her Toxic Screen during the buy phase through spawn barriers, allowing her to coordinate better with her team earlier in the round. Additionally, the Toxic Screen rises more quickly along its full length.

Riot Games stated, “This change should enable Viper, in many scenarios, to position her wall before the round begins and then join her team before the barrier drops—or create uncertainty regarding her whereabouts at the start of the round.”

Moreover, Viper’s Decay ability, which used to harm both allies and enemies, has been modified. Allies will no longer take damage from her Decay, preventing unintended collateral damage and opening up new strategic possibilities, as explained by Riot Games.

Lastly, Viper’s ultimate ability, Viper Pit, can now be seen on her team’s mini-map. This improvement makes it easier for her teammates to play around the ability and secure kills.

Breach Receives Major Buffs to Flashpoint, Rolling Thunder, and Concussion Abilities

On the other hand, Breach is set to receive significant buffs. His Flashpoint ability now delivers a more “aggressive” flash, with the number of charges increased from two to three and a reduced windup time from 0.6 seconds to 0.5.

However, that’s not all. His Rolling Thunder ability has had the delay between blasts reduced from 0.3 to 0.255, and his Concussion ability now de-scopes players and prevents them from re-scoping.

These updates aim to improve the viability and impact of both Breach and Viper in VALORANT. Players can now explore new strategies and gameplay possibilities with these enhanced agents, making matches even more exciting and dynamic.

VALORANT, Riot Games, gaming industry, gaming news, esports, VALORANT update, VALORANT agents, VALORANT buffs