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Raze player achieves team ace solely through abilities in VALORANT

Raze’s Abilities Dominate in VALORANT

Raze, the controversial VALORANT agent known for her powerful abilities, proved her strength in a recent match by single-handedly wiping out the opposing team through her skillful use of explosives.

During the first round on Bind, Raze was defending the A site. The enemy team decided to rush through A short and quickly took over the site with the help of a well-placed Sage wall. However, Raze wasn’t fazed by this.

Despite not having a direct line of sight, Raze cleverly used her Paint Shell grenades to eliminate two enemies over the Sage wall. She then deployed her Boom Bot over the truck on the site, securing another kill.

Next, she threw another grenade that had been refreshed by the previous kills, while simultaneously launching a Satchel Charge. The combination of explosions resulted in an ace and brought immense excitement to her teammates.

The VALORANT community, on the other hand, felt justified in their criticism of Raze’s kit. Many players believe that Raze doesn’t fit in with the other agents, who rely primarily on aim and weapon skill to bring down enemies.

Some players even quoted Riot Games’ CEO, Nicolo Laurent, who stated prior to VALORANT’s release that abilities are meant to create tactical opportunities, not secure kills. Yet, Raze’s explosive abilities have proven to be a game-changer and can single-handedly win rounds for her team.

Related Raze, VALORANT, VALORANT agent, abilities, explosives, gaming, esports