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Should You Throw the Fight in Beat on the Brat in Cyberpunk 2077?

Beat on the Brat: A Guide for Cyberpunk 2077 Players

In the game Cyberpunk 2077, there is a side job called “Beat on the Brat” where players can become a boxer. This side gig is divided into several stages, and at the end, players must make a decision: throw the championship fight or not. This article will provide a walkthrough of Beat on the Brat and offer guidance on the decision you should make.

How to Start Beat on the Brat in Cyberpunk 2077

The Beat on the Brat side job can be started early on in your playthrough. However, the decision to throw the fight only occurs at the end of the questline. You can engage in this questline throughout the game or complete it all at once. Once you leave your apartment in Megabuilding H10, you will meet Coach Fred, a boxing coach. He will guide you through training against a bot and then set you up for professional bareknuckle fights.

Throughout the city, you will participate in various fights against different fighters, which will increase your reputation.

Different Parts of the Beat on the Brat Mission in Cyberpunk 2077

One of the fights in Kabuki is against The Twins, a duo that fights together. By following our recommendations, you can stun them with strong attacks and separate them to make the fight easier. Winning this fight increases your Street Cred, allowing you to use certain weapons and cyberware in the game.

In the Arroyo portion of the mission, you face Buck Arnold. Buck hits hard, so focus on avoiding his attacks rather than landing your own hits. Winning this fight rewards you with 12,000 eddies and a rare sniper.

In The Glen, you take on César Diego Ruiz, who can teleport short distances. Dodge his attacks by getting used to his teleportation. Winning this fight not only grants you prize money but also a car.

In Rancho Coronado, you fight Rhino, a muscular opponent who hits hard and has a strong block. Defeating Rhino earns you Street Cred.

In Pacifica, you have the option to fight Ozob, whose difficulty scales with your character level. This fight requires good reflexes and movement to outpace Ozob. Winning this fight rewards you with 16,000 or 32,000 eddies, depending on your choice.

Recommendations for Beat on the Brat in Cyberpunk 2077

To have the opportunity to make the final decision to throw the fight or not, you need to be skilled enough in brawling to earn a title shot. We recommend investing points into the Body attribute to improve your health and fist fighting abilities.

There are body perks available, such as the “painkiller” perk tree that allows you to regenerate combat during battles. Since you won’t have access to weapons or quickhacks during these fights, health regeneration becomes crucial. You can also choose perks like Stun, which enhance your performance with blunt weapons, including your fists.

Your Final Choice in Beat the Brat: To Throw or to Win the Fight, Cyberpunk 2077

After completing all the fights mentioned above, you will finally face the reigning champion, Razor Hugh. Razor is one of the toughest opponents in the game and poses a significant challenge. Your friend Vik recommends targeting his stomach since he hasn’t fully healed from recent abdominal muscle enhancements.

Before the fight, Coach Fred informs you that your odds of winning are not very good. He offers the option to throw the fight and make some money. Winning the fight earns you money and Street Cred, while throwing the fight only gives you money. The choice of throwing or winning the fight doesn’t affect the main quest, so it comes down to the currency you find more valuable. If you have built your character for combat, we suggest going for the fight to gain Street Cred. Otherwise, throwing the fight might be the best option.

If you give your all and lose the fight, people will assume you threw it. So, it might be worth trying your best even if victory seems unlikely, as it could still earn you some credibility.

Related Beat on the Brat, Cyberpunk 2077, side job, boxer, decision, walkthrough, quests, game, boxing coach, training, bareknuckle fights, reputation, The Twins, Buck Arnold, César Diego Ruiz, Rhino, Ozob, final decision, throw the fight, win the fight, championship, Razor Hugh, Coach Fred, Street Cred, money, character build, combat, currency, credibility.