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Guide to Mastering Astra in VALORANT: Skills, Ultimate, and Advice

Astra: VALORANT’s Powerful Controller Agent

Astra, the controller agent from Ghana, brings a unique and powerful set of abilities to VALORANT. While initially overwhelming, her kit has been balanced to match other controller agents. In this guide, we will break down how to effectively use Astra’s abilities and master her gameplay.

Astral Form: The Foundation of Astra’s Abilities

Astra’s abilities revolve around her Astral Form, where she views the map from a top-down perspective. From this form, she can place Stars on any flat surface without range limitations. These Stars act as the foundation for her abilities, setting her apart from other agents. To change the placement of a Star, Astra must first recover it. Each Star has a cooldown before it can be reused.

Instead of purchasing individual abilities, Astra purchases Stars at 150 credits each. However, players start each round with one free Star, granting versatility and options in using her abilities.

How to Harness Astra’s Stars

Once a Star is placed, Astra can choose from three abilities: Gravity Well, Nova Pulse, and Nebula. Gravity Well pulls players towards its center before exploding, leaving them vulnerable. Nova Pulse disorients players for five seconds with a concussive charge. Nebula creates a lasting purple smoke for 15 seconds.

Astra can cast one Gravity Well, one Nova Pulse, and two Nebulas per round if enough Stars have been purchased. Each ability has a cooldown of 10 seconds, allowing for multiple uses in a round. When recovering a placed Star, a fake Nebula briefly deploys before returning.

Astra’s Ultimate: Cosmic Divide

Astra’s ultimate ability, Cosmic Divide, creates an infinite wall that blocks bullets and cuts off audio. While players can pass through the wall, their bullets cannot. It’s important to note that if any part of a player is visible outside the wall, they can still be damaged.

Playing as Astra: Versatile on Attack and Defense

Astra’s abilities grant her versatility as an Attacker and a Defender. On the Attacking side, she can smoke off pathways, concuss defenders, and pull enemies out of hiding spots simultaneously. With her affordable abilities, Astra can execute powerful strikes from the first round. Additionally, she can use her abilities while holding angles, eliminating the need to hang back and allowing her to contribute to the team’s push.

On Defense, Astra’s abilities provide a formidable challenge for Attackers. While the recent patch increased the Star recall cooldown, strategic Star placement is crucial since abilities don’t return as quickly. Combining Astra’s gravity well with other agents’ grenades or damaging abilities can trap vulnerable enemies. A well-coordinated team can maximize the value of each Star placed.

Astra’s ultimate ability, Cosmic Divide, can be used to wall off entry points and hiding spots, enabling teammates to pass through undetected. It is also effective for post-plant defense, completely cutting off the enemy team from the site. Astra’s zoning ultimate is one of the best in the game.

Although Astra’s role in the meta may fluctuate, her unique and powerful kit is undeniable in skilled hands.

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Astra, VALORANT, controller agent, abilities, Astral Form, Stars, Gravity Well, Nova Pulse, Nebula, Cosmic Divide, Attacker, Defender, meta