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Player in VALORANT gives an impressive performance with the Shorty, scoring an ace

Astonishing Shorty Ace in VALORANT Surprises Reddit Community

In a thrilling turn of events during a VALORANT match, a player on the game’s subreddit shared a video showcasing an incredible Shorty ace. Despite being 11 rounds behind, the player managed to secure an ace using the cheapest weapon in the game, the Shorty.

The video on Reddit displays the start of the first pistol round in the second half of the match. Taking on the role of Omen, the player strategically smoked Ascent’s A Main. Two enemies attempted to push through the smoke, only to be met with precise reflexes from the player, resulting in two quick kills. The fact that most players choose not to equip shields in pistol rounds made it easier for the player to eliminate their opponents with just two shots.

After reloading their weapon, the player returned to the site, only to encounter another enemy attempting to pass through the smoke. Once again, the Shorty came into play, securing yet another kill. Instead of waiting for their team to attack from mid, the Omen player realized the potential of using their smoke as a surprise tool to catch opponents off guard.

With this realization, the player bravely pushed through the smoke, catching Sova by surprise and eliminating them. Returning back inside the smoke, they reloaded their weapon once more. With a clue about Killjoy’s position and perfect timing as the smoke dissipated, the player took their final shot at the last remaining enemy.

Omen players are renowned for their sneaky maneuvers and strategizing around the map. Combining their expertise in stealth with the element of surprise, they prove to be formidable opponents. The dark covers provided by their smokes allow them to set up ambushes or lay in wait for unsuspecting enemies to pass by.

Although priced at a mere 150 credits, the Shorty’s value in combat scenarios is often limited, except for specific situations. It excels in close-range encounters, reloading after just two shots. However, in prolonged fights where reloading becomes necessary, it becomes a hindrance to the player’s ability to eliminate more enemies.

Players usually pair the Shorty with more expensive weapons like the Operator to counter any short-range pushes. Yet, if given enough time to reload between battles and engage opponents on their own terms, it can be a formidable tool for decimating enemies.

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VALORANT, Shorty ace, reddit community, pistol round, Omen player, smoke strategy, close-range combat, sneaky maneuvers, Operator, esports news, YouTube channel.