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New Mod Enhances Stealth Experience in Cyberpunk 2077’s Finishers

Cyberpunk 2077 Finisher Update Lets Players Embrace the Stealthy Assassin Life

New updates for Cyberpunk 2077 now allow players to sneak up on their targets and eliminate them without making too much noise. This mod is perfect for players who want to fully embrace the role of a stealthy assassin in Night City.

Mods are a great way to enhance any modern game, including Cyberpunk 2077. These mods have been used to improve graphics, performance, and fix bugs. And even though the game has improved with updates, mods still play a significant role in enhancing the experience, especially when it comes to upgrading stealth gameplay.

The latest mod, shared by Cyberpunk 2077 fans on Oct. 4, allows players to effectively take out their targets by sneaking up behind them and using melee weapons for a silent kill.

Players already love this custom-made upgrade as it adds a new layer of excitement to Cyberpunk 2077’s battles.

However, some fans wonder why this feature wasn’t included in the game from the start. While the exact reason is unknown, some speculate that it may have made the game too easy, especially for difficult targets.

Since the mod is just a cooler and stealthier version of the current mechanics with additional animations, it is unlikely to have been a built-in feature. But who knows, maybe it will be added in a future update by CD Projekt Red.

The only downside to the mod is that the stealth kills are not flashy. Players suggest that adding more detailed kills, similar to fatalities in Mortal Kombat or stealth kills in Elder Scrolls, would be a nice addition to the game.

Regardless, this mod definitely enhances the experience of playing as a sneaky assassin in Cyberpunk 2077.