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A Beginner’s Guide to Playing Bristleback in Dota 2

Bristleback: The Tanky Hero that Makes a Difference in Dota 2

In Dota 2, having a tanky hero on your team can greatly enhance your chances of success. While it’s possible to form lineups without tanky heroes, having a frontliner allows other team members to excel at their roles. Bristleback, in particular, is the perfect candidate for this role.

Bristleback is known for his ability to soak up damage and draw the enemy’s attention, allowing his teammates to make a greater impact. He has a simple skill set, consisting of one targeted spell, two passives, and a click-to-cast AoE spell. The key to playing Bristleback effectively is understanding that he takes less damage from his back and sides. This means that in certain situations, it may be better to turn your back to the enemy instead of facing them head-on.

If you want to learn how to play Bristleback optimally, we recommend watching the highest ranked games featuring Bristleback in the Dota 2 Watch tab. By following the game from Bristleback’s perspective and tweaking the spectator options, you can gain valuable insights into his gameplay.

Itemizing Correctly for Bristleback

Itemization is crucial for Bristleback. Choosing the right items can make the difference between being a great Bristleback player and a mediocre one. When deciding which items to buy, it’s important to consider the strongest threats on the enemy team.

However, be cautious when shopping and assess the enemy team’s composition before purchasing items. For instance, if the enemy team heavily relies on magic damage, it wouldn’t be wise to focus on increasing your tankiness against physical damage.

Bristleback’s Skill Build

When it comes to Bristleback’s skill build, a straightforward approach is usually the best. However, if you’re facing passive laners or are laning with a hero that has crowd control abilities, you can consider skipping certain spells to maximize your farm and increase your damage output.

Starting Items for Bristleback

During the early game, Bristleback often struggles with mana issues. To sustain yourself in the lane, it’s important to prioritize health regeneration. Starting with two sets of Tangoes, a Healing Salve, an Iron Branch, a Quelling Blade, and an Enchanted Mango can provide you with the necessary sustain and last-hitting power.

Early-Game and Mid-Game Items

Boots of Speed are crucial for Bristleback during the laning stage as they allow you to chase down enemies and secure kills. A Ring of Health provides passive health regeneration and builds into other core items. Additionally, a Magic Wand is a must-have item for Bristleback, providing you with charges that can be used to replenish mana and survive in critical situations. Vanguard further increases your tankiness and allows you to bully enemy carry heroes.

In the mid-game, a Hood of Defiance provides magic resistance and health regeneration, which are invaluable against mixed damage lineups. It can be upgraded to a Pipe of Insight or an Eternal Shroud depending on your team’s needs. Crimson Guard is another situational item that increases your team’s survivability against physical damage.

Late-Game and Situational Items

Assault Cuirass is an excellent late-game item for Bristleback, providing armor, attack speed, and an aura that benefits your entire team. Shiva’s Guard is a good alternative if you need more armor and want to reveal hidden heroes. Heart of Tarrasque is a great choice when facing magic damage lineups, as it increases your HP and survivability.

You can also consider situational items if you have excess gold. Aghanim’s Shard unlocks a new ability that can help you secure kills from a distance. Radiance is a farming tool and teamfight enhancer, while Octarine Core provides cooldown reduction and cast range increase. Finally, Abyssal Blade can be a game-changer when facing enemy squishy heroes.

Overall, Bristleback is a versatile hero that excels in the role of a tanky frontliner. By understanding his abilities and itemizing correctly, you can make a significant impact in your matches and lead your team to victory.

Bristleback, Dota 2, tanky hero, skill build, starting items, early-game items, mid-game items, late-game items, situational items