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League of Legends Patch 10.24: Check out the Latest Updates!

League of Legends Preseason 2021: New Champion and Item Changes Revealed

League of Legends’ preseason for next year is in full swing, and Riot Games is making several tweaks and adjustments to champions and items to create a more balanced gameplay experience. The upcoming Patch 10.24, set to release tomorrow, will bring extensive changes to address the synergy issues between champions and the newly introduced items in the preseason. This change aims to reduce the dominance of certain champions across all Elo levels.

Champion Adjustments


– W – Despair:
– Base damage over time reduced from 5/7.5/10/12.5/15 to 4/6/8/10/12.
– Damage ratio decreased from 0.5% AP per 100 AP every half second to 0.25% AP per 100 AP every half second.
– Bugfix: Damage no longer fires at a slightly increased pace.


– Passive – Warpath:
– Bonus movement speed to bonus AD conversion decreased from 15-30% (level 1/3/6/9/12/15/18) to 12-24% (level 1/3/6/9/12/15/18).

– E – Devastating Charge:
– Bonus movement speed decreased from 25-85% (based on time active) to 25-75% (based on time active).
– Bugfix: Hecarim no longer gains more than 25% movement speed immediately after casting E – Devastating Charge.


– Passive – Divine Ascent:
– Bonus attack speed reduced from 2% per 100 ability power to 1% per 100 ability power.


– Passive – Daredevil Impulse:
– Melee blade damage ratio decreased from 10% AD to 7.5% AD.
– Dash range against immobilized enemy decreased from 800/850/900/950/1,000 (level 1/4/8/12/16) to 650/725/800/875/950 (level 1/4/8/12/16).


– Bonus AD per missing health adjusted from 0.15/0.2/0.25/0.3/0.35 to 0.15/0.25/0.35/0.45/0.55.

– Q – Bloodlust:
– Bonus AD increased from 5/10/15/20/25 to 10/15/20/25/30.


– Q – Piercing Arrow:
– Blight cooldown reduction removed.
– New effect: Damage from Blight effects detonated with Piercing Arrow increased by the charging time up to 50%.
– New VFX: Piercing Arrow shows crit text when fully charged.

– W – Blighted Quiver:
– Bonus damage reduced from 7/10.5/14/17.5/21 to 7/8/9/10/11.
– New effect: Detonating a Blight stack on enemy champions and Epic Monsters reduces all basic cooldowns by 12% of the max cooldown per stack.

– R – Chain of Corruption:
– New effect: Varus now snaps to face the target direction on the start of the cast.
– Missile speed decreased from 1,950 to 1,500.

Yasuo and Yone:

– Passive – Way of the Wanderer and Way of the Hunter:
– Order of operations adjusted to prevent crit-related effects from activating before other crit effects.

Item Changes

Blade of the Ruined King:
– Total cost increased from 3,100 gold to 3,200 gold.
– Attack speed reduced from 30% to 25%.

Cosmic Drive:
– Ability power increased from 70 to 75.

Demonic Embrace:
– Azakana gaze burn damage reduced from 1.5% max health magic damage every second for four seconds to 1.2% max health magic damage every second for three seconds.

– Cooldown increased from six seconds for melee and 12 seconds for ranged to eight seconds for melee and 16 seconds for ranged.

And many more changes to the items are included in Patch 10.24. For a full list of changes, check out the official patch notes.

Mid Lane Minion Changes

– Mid lane Cannon Minions now give 10 less gold and gain 30% increased attack speed against towers.

Behavioural Systems Update

Riot Games has implemented new systems to address player behavior in the game. If an AFK player is detected on your team after the ten-minute mark, a surrender vote can occur. In Summoner’s Rift, the vote must be unanimous, and if it isn’t, a majority vote is required at the 15-minute mark for another surrender vote to take place. Additionally, if a player leaves during a ranked match or is detected as AFK, the LP loss may be reduced. However, premades with disconnects/AFKs, provisional players, and those in promotion series will not receive this loss reduction. More detailed information can be found here.

Item Shop and Icon Improvements

– Over 60 item icons have been updated.
– Numerous bugs in the shop have been fixed.
– The gold display font size has been increased for better visibility.
– Future’s Market now displays the debt limit in the shop.
– Recommended item card titles are now bolder.
– Visual bug with padding in recommended item cards has been fixed.
– Empty item cards no longer appear in the shop when there is only one or two recommendations.
– Purchase button hover and clicked states have been improved.
– Player chat now displays behind the item shop until opened.
– Fixes have been made to ensure items appear in the correct tabs and filter groups.
– Selected items in the shop now have a visually appealing magic effect surrounding them.
– Affordability of items in the shop has been made clearer.
– The extended stats panel can now be opened while the shop is visible.

These are just a selection of the changes coming in Patch 10.24. For a comprehensive list of VFX updates and bug fixes, visit the official patch notes.

Patch 10.24 is scheduled to be released tomorrow, so stay tuned for the latest updates and changes in League of Legends. And don’t forget to follow us on YouTube for more esports news and analysis!

League of Legends, Preseason 2021, Patch 10.24, champion adjustments, item changes, mid lane minion changes, behavioural systems update, item shop improvements.