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PSG Talon recruits Gori, former mid laner of FPX and Nongshim, for 2022 PCS Summer Split.

PSG Talon Signs Gori for the 2022 PCS Summer Split

PSG Talon has acquired Gori, the former mid laner of FunPlus Phoenix, as they gear up for the 2022 PCS Summer Split. In an effort to rebuild their team, PSG Talon has released several players and is now focusing on filling the gaps in their roster.

Midseason Rebuild for PSG Talon

Following their lackluster performance in the rumble stage of the Mid-Season Invitational last month, PSG Talon decided to part ways with mid laner Bay and jungler Juhan. Even though PSG Talon has dominated the PCS for three consecutive splits, they are determined to make improvements across the Rift.

Check out PSG Talon’s announcement on Twitter: [YouTube video URL]

Gori’s Journey in the Competitive Scene

Gori, who was named the LCK’s Player of the Split last summer, is aiming to get back to his peak performance from the second half of the 2021 season. After joining the LPL this year, Gori played only six weeks with FunPlus Phoenix before being benched due to a losing streak. His replacement, Care, helped FPX secure victories before their playoff exit.

PSG Talon will be Gori’s third team in the past few splits. He has previously played for Nongshim RedForce and FunPlus Phoenix, making him one of the few players to compete in the LCK, LPL, and PCS.

PSG Talon’s Debut with Gori

Gori will make his first appearance for PSG Talon in the upcoming PCS season starting later this month.

Related keywords: PSG Talon, Gori, FunPlus Phoenix, 2022 PCS Summer Split, Mid-Season Invitational, player acquisition