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Player dominates with flawless Xayah ultimate and Flash combo, securing 4 kills

Xayah’s Ultimate Shines in Epic Quadra Kill

Xayah, the feather-light but deadly champion of League of Legends, demonstrated her strength with a quadra kill using her improved ultimate ability. In an intense battle, the player lost their life but managed to defend against the opposing team and protect a tower.

Recent Buffs Empower Xayah

The latest patch for League of Legends brought some much-needed improvements to Xayah. A cast time reduction for her Double Daggers (Q) and an increase in base damage for Featherstorm (R) gave the player the opportunity to put these changes to the test. Find out how they fared in a one-vs-four scenario.

An Unforgettable Play

The player found themselves outnumbered and facing a tower dive after losing their support. Caught off guard by the enemy Evelynn, Xayah was charmed and in a dire situation. However, the player reacted quickly, using Featherstorm after the crowd control wore off and lining up their feathers with Flash. They unleashed devastating damage by recalling the feathers with Bladecaller (E) and swiftly killed three enemies.

Victory Amidst Defeat

Although the heroic play resulted in the quadra kill for Xayah, the player ultimately lost the match, as reported by Nevertheless, it was a remarkable display of skill and strategy.

Xayah, League of Legends, quadra kill, ultimate ability, buffs, patch, one-vs-four, tower dive, Featherstorm, Bladecaller, heroic play