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100 Thieves Adds Damonte and Huhi for the 2021 LCS Season

100 Thieves Signs Former Golden Guardians Players Damonte and Huhi

100 Thieves made an announcement today that they have signed former Golden Guardians players Damonte and Huhi. Both players will join the organization’s starting lineup for the 2021 LCS season. The team already signed two other former Golden Guardians teammates, FBI and Closer, earlier this week. This means that four-fifths of the 2020 Golden Guardians roster will be joining 100 Thieves this offseason. Longtime veteran Ssumday will also remain on the team as the top laner for next year’s LCS season.

Complete Roster Rebuild for 100 Thieves

After Golden Guardians released all five of its starters at the start of free agency, 100 Thieves seized the opportunity to rebuild its roster. Within days, they signed the former Golden Guardians players, forming the foundation of their new team for the upcoming season. This move also means that Ryoma will no longer be in the starting mid lane position for 100 Thieves.

Chemistry and Experience on the LCS Stage

By bringing in players who have already gelled together and have experience on the LCS stage, 100 Thieves has eliminated the usual unknown variable of chemistry when building a new roster. This allows the team to focus on their performance without worrying about how well the players will work together.

Continued Development for 100 Thieves

Last season, the Golden Guardians roster showed potential with a fifth-place finish in the LCS summer playoffs. Now, these players will have the opportunity to continue developing and improving alongside each other on 100 Thieves in 2021.

100 Thieves, Golden Guardians, Damonte, Huhi, roster, LCS, season, players, signing, organization, veterans, chemistry, development