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CGA’s Ryan Interviews Vasilii on Making a Comeback

VG’s Victorious 2-0 Win over iG: Interview with Vasilii

VG secured their first 2-0 victory over iG after a string of impressive matches. In an interview, Vasilii reflects on the win and his performance.

Vasilii expresses his happiness and satisfaction with VG’s 2-0 win against iG. He admits that iG was not a team they were very familiar with, which made the victory even sweeter.

Challenges in Acclimating to LPL

Vasilii acknowledges that in the initial weeks of the LPL, he had some trouble acclimating. He attributes this to his overconfidence, which resulted in inconsistent performances.

Improvements and Changes

Vasilii expresses his dissatisfaction with his performance in the past matches. He realizes that in order to succeed in competition, he needs to maintain a calm and focused mentality. This realization has already brought better results.

Looking Toward the Future

When asked about his performance in the last two matches, Vasilii mentions that he hopes to maintain his current mentality and improve further. He also plans on duo-queuing with Mata to strengthen their synergy.

Analysis of iG’s Performance

Vasilii believes that the player swap within iG affected their performance. He suggests that the lack of synergy between Rookie and KaKAO may have been the reason for their less-than-ideal performance.

The Importance of the Team Meeting

Vasilii reveals that after feeling unhappy with his own performance, he called for a team meeting to address their concerns. He apologized to his teammates for his poor play and promised to fix the issue.

Hopes for the Season

Vasilii hopes that as the season progresses, the team’s synergy will strengthen. He emphasizes the importance of playing to their best abilities and achieving a good record.

Overcoming Pressure and Criticism

Vasilii acknowledges the pressure he faces due to his past performance and the scrutiny from fans. He sees criticism as an opportunity for self-improvement and thanks the fans for their support.

Closing Thoughts

Vasilii expresses his gratitude for the interview and hopes to regain his former strength as the competition continues.


esports, VG, esports news, Vasilii, LPL, iG, interview, performance improvement, team synergy