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League of Legends Patch 13.2 brings potentially positive changes to upcoming bruiser items

The New Ranked Season in League of Legends: What to Expect

The new ranked season in League of Legends has begun, and Riot Games is continuing its streak of big updates. Following last year’s preseason changes, Riot is now planning to make adjustments to the bruiser items that have defined the meta in the past two years. This includes the removal of Omnivamp and adjustments to Ability Haste.

But what does this mean for the bruiser class and their dominance in the game? Let’s take a look at the upcoming item changes and their potential impact on the bruiser class.

Changes to Bruiser Items: How Will They Affect the Class?

Riot’s goal with these item changes is to address the “fighter frustration” that players may experience when playing against this class of champions. They want to make the gameplay against fighters less challenging by removing Omnivamp from fighter items and replacing it with lifesteal.

While lifesteal allows for healing based on auto attack damage, Omnivamp provides healing from all sources of damage. This change may weaken bruiser champions who rely on their abilities to deal damage, as they won’t benefit as much from lifesteal. Champions like Renekton and Xin Zhao, who heavily rely on abilities in their combos, may be hit the hardest by this change.

Additionally, the removal of ability haste on certain items like Death Dance means that bruisers will have less cooldown reduction early on. This can hinder their mid-game spike, as most bruisers become strong after completing the mythic item and the first legendary item.

To compensate for these changes, Riot has decided to increase the base stats of the items. This will make fighters tankier and harder to kill, but they won’t be able to sustain as much during fights due to the absence of Omnivamp and higher ability cooldowns. While this adjustment may feel strange at first, it should ultimately lead to a more balanced state for the bruiser class.

Which Bruisers Will Be Most Affected?

Overall, these item changes will not completely kill the bruiser class. However, fighters will not be as strong in the mid-game as they used to be and will need to rely more on auto attacks and base resistances to survive fights.

There will be some champions that are more affected than others by these changes. Based on current numbers, champions like Lee Sin, Xin Zhao, Jarvan IV, and Aatrox, who heavily rely on ability haste, may suffer the most. It is crucial for the balance team to quickly identify these weaker champions and provide compensating buffs to keep them relevant.

It’s not just bruisers who may be affected by these changes. Champions who commonly build the Eclipse item, such as Jayce, Zed, and Varus, may also face challenges due to the removal of Omnivamp. They will need to be closely monitored, and potential buffs may be necessary to keep them viable.

With these upcoming item changes, the League of Legends meta is sure to undergo some shifts. As players adapt to the modifications and Riot continues to fine-tune the balance, it will be interesting to see how the bruiser class and other champions fare in the ever-evolving landscape of the game.

League of Legends, ranked season, bruiser items, item changes, balance, fighter frustration, lifesteal, Omnivamp, ability haste, mid-game spike, base stats, champions, balance team, Eclipse