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Patch 10.5 introduces a 20 percent damage reduction for ranged champions against tower plates

Riot Games to Give Top Laners Higher Game Impact in League of Legends Patch 10.5

Riot Games’ lead gameplay designer Mark “Scruffy” Yetter recently announced plans to increase the game impact of top laners in upcoming patches for League of Legends. As a result, ranged champions will now deal 20 percent less damage to tower plates in Patch 10.5.

Buff to Turrets in Patch 10.5

Turrets will also receive a buff to their Bulwark passive. Instead of gaining a stack of 35 additional armor and magic resist based on nearby enemy champions, turrets will now gain 45 additional armor and magic resist per stack.

Video: Watch Patch 10.5 changes

Impact on AD Carries and Ranged Top Laners

This change will significantly reduce the pushing power of AD carries in the early game, especially if they have a ranged support. Melee supports will now need to rely on the Demolish rune to assist their ADC in taking down towers.

Ranged top laners such as Urgot, Quinn, and Teemo will also struggle to push side lanes due to the decrease in their damage. As a result, we can expect a decrease in playtime for most ranged champions in this role.

Increased Gold Rewards and Tower Importance

Each turret plate will now reward players with 160 gold instead of the previous 120, making it crucial to group up and take down turrets early to gain an advantage. The additional 40 gold in the early stages of the game can help teams reach their item spikes sooner.

Enhancing the Role of Top Laners

These changes aim to give top laners and melee champions a bigger role across the map by allowing them to deal more damage to towers compared to their ranged counterparts. This, combined with the buffs to melee items like Hydra and Blade of the Ruined King, may result in top laners having greater impact in League of Legends.

Riot Games, top laners, game impact, League of Legends, Patch 10.5, ranged champions, tower plates, turrets, Bulwark passive, AD carries, melee supports, Demolish rune, gold rewards, item spikes, enhanced role