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Top-performing jungle champions in League of Legends

In League of Legends, some champions are stronger than others. When it comes to jungle champions, there are a few key factors to consider. The most important is their ability to gank and secure kills for their team. But there are other factors to consider as well, such as clear speed, invasion pressure, and macro mobility.

It’s important to stay up-to-date with the current meta, as the top-tier jungle champions can change depending on balance updates and player preferences. For Patch 13.22, here are our top picks:

Jarvan IV

Dark Star Jarvan IV splash art


  • Great gank potential
  • Strong early-game champion
  • Good for teamfights


  • Falls off in the late game
  • Sub-par jungle clear
  • Telegraphed engage

Jarvan IV is still one of the best junglers in the meta. Despite a nerf to his passive in Patch 13.18, he remains a strong pick with positive win rates at Platinum Elo and above.

Item build

Jarvan IV rune setup

For Jarvan IV’s item build, the core items are Goredrinker, Spear of Shojin, Frozen Heart, Black Cleaver, Guardian Angel, and either Spirit Visage or Maw of Malmortius for magic resist.

Ability priority

When it comes to ability priority, max R>Q>E>W. Start with E for increased attack speed.

Game plan

Jarvan IV’s strength lies in his early-game ganking ability, so take advantage of that to impact the map as much as possible. Focus on either one-shotting squishy carries or trapping multiple opponents in your ultimate for your teammates to follow up on.


Battle Academia Graves splash art


  • Great late-game carry potential
  • Strong and healthy jungle clear
  • Counters AD meta junglers


  • Weak ganks
  • Struggles when behind

Graves is a popular pick in the jungle, with strong win rates and pick rates. He excels in the late game and counters AD meta junglers.

Item build

Graves rune setup

Graves’ item build includes items like Kraken Slayer, The Collector, Black Cleaver, and Lord Dominik’s Regard. He can also consider Bloodthirster or Maw of Malmortius for sustain or additional resistances.

Ability priority

Max R>Q>E>W. Start with E for armor stacks. Max Q first for damage output.

Game plan

Graves’ goal is to power farm the jungle and collect resources for himself. Look for opportunities to pick up kills with ganks if possible. If you get a lead, you can carry games with your burst damage and high mobility.


Soul Fighter Shaco splash art


  • Strong carry potential
  • Can make the game difficult for the enemy team
  • Most slippery jungler, great for invades


  • Tougher to master compared to other meta junglers
  • Struggles when behind

Shaco is a strong pick in the current meta, with a high win rate at higher Elos. He excels at punishing the enemy team’s mistakes and can make the game a nightmare for them. However, he can be challenging to master.

Item build

Shaco rune setup

Shaco’s item build includes items like Duskblade of Draktharr, Youmuu’s Ghostblade, The Collector, and Lord Dominik’s Regard. He can also consider Edge of Night or Guardian Angel for additional survivability.

Ability priority

On Shaco, the maxing order is R>E>Q>W. However, start with W for a quicker jungle clear and consider adding an extra point in W for better early clear.

Game plan

Shaco’s game plan can vary from game to game. However, his main strength lies in invading the enemy jungle and spam-ganking lanes to pick up kills and snowball the game. Focus on punishing the enemy team’s mistakes and positioning yourself for flanks or assassinations.


Snow Moon Kayn splash art


  • Unrivaled map presence
  • One-shot combos
  • Has two different forms


  • Weaker than other meta junglers early on
  • Taking the wrong fights or ganks will delay the transformation

Kayn is a strong pick in the jungle, with a high win rate at the start of the ranked split. He has the ability to one-shot carries and has two different forms, allowing for versatility in playstyle.

Kayn item build

Kayn rune setup

Kayn’s item build can vary depending on whether he is going for the assassin or bruiser playstyle. For the assassin build, he can go for items like Duskblade of Draktharr, Muramana, and Serylda’s Grudge. For the bruiser build, he can opt for items like Stridebreaker, Black Cleaver, and Sterak’s Gage.

Ability priority

On Kayn, the maxing order is the same for both forms: R>Q>W>E. Start with Q for more damage and better wave clear.

Game plan

Kayn’s game plan is to farm and collect resources for himself until he reaches level six. Once he unlocks his ultimate, he can start making plays on the map and looking for opportunities to one-shot carries. Focus on getting takedowns and transforming into the right form to have the maximum impact on the game.


KDA Evelynn splash art


  • Strong carry potential
  • High burst damage
  • Can use stealth to punish enemies


  • Weaker early-game ganks
  • Squishy

Evelynn is a relevant pick in the meta, thanks to her burst damage and ability to punish mispositioned enemies. She can snowball games if she gets ahead and become a nightmare to deal with.

Evelynn Item build

Evelynn rune setup

Evelynn’s item build includes items like Kraken Slayer, The Collector, Black Cleaver, and Lord Dominik’s Regard. She can also consider getting defensive items like Guardian Angel or The Collector if needed.

Ability priority

On Evelynn, max R>Q>E>W. Start with Q for damage output and wave clear.

Game plan

Evelynn’s game plan is to hit level six as soon as possible and start making plays on the map. Use your stealth to punish overextending enemies and focus on picking up kills and snowballing the game. Look for opportunities to flank and assassinate priority targets in teamfights.


Briar classic splash art


  • Global ultimate
  • Incredible sustain
  • Built-in crowd controls


  • Takes time to master
  • Can be punished if mispositioned

Briar is a strong choice in the current patch, and she excels at providing global map pressure and sustain. However, she requires a good sense of macro play to fully utilize her potential.

Briar Item build

Briar rune setup

Briar’s item build includes items like Stridebreaker, Black Cleaver, and Sterak’s Gage. She can also consider items like Guardian Angel or Force of Nature for additional tankiness.

Ability priority

On Briar, max R>W>Q>E. Start with W for increased sustain and better dueling potential.

Game plan

Briar’s game plan revolves around utilizing her ultimate to make global plays and provide pressure on the map. Use her sustain to stay healthy during skirmishes and focus on controlling objectives to gain an advantage.


Elderwood Nocturne skin


  • Great map presence
  • Strong skirmishing potential
  • Counters some meta junglers


  • Weak ganks without ultimate
  • Requires good macro sense

Nocturne is a strong pick in the current meta, with the ability to counter popular junglers and provide great map presence. However, he requires good macro sense to fully optimize his gameplay.

Nocturne Item build

Nocturne’s item build can vary depending on whether he is going for a bruiser or assassin playstyle. For the bruiser build, he can opt for items like Stridebreaker, Black Cleaver, and Sterak’s Gage. For the assassin build, he can go for items like Eclipse, Youmuu’s Ghostblade, and Serylda’s Grudge.

Nocturne Ability priority

Max R>Q>W>E. Start with Q for damage output and wave clear.

Nocturne Game plan

Nocturne’s game plan revolves around utilizing his ultimate to create opportunities for his team and pressure the map. He excels at skirmishes and split-pushing, and his goal is to create chaos and isolate key targets. Utilize your map pressure and focus on controlling objectives to gain an advantage.

League of Legends, eSports, junglers, Jarvan IV, Graves, Shaco, Kayn, Evelynn, Briar, Nocturne.