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Patch 13.1 reveals an unexpectedly potent damage juggernaut in League of Legends

Karthus Dominates the Damage Charts in Multiple Roles

In the world of League of Legends, one champion stands above the rest when it comes to dealing damage in two positions. It should come as no surprise that this champion is none other than Karthus.

Based on the data from U.GG, Karthus has the highest damage output in Platinum+ ranks. In the jungle, he averages an impressive 31,026 damage per game, while in the AD carry role, he reaches a staggering 31,004 average damage. These numbers hold true for Diamond+, Master+, and Challenger rankings as well.

Karthus’ Dominance and Win Rates

Not only does Karthus excel in damage, but he also has a solid win rate in the bottom lane, boasting a 52.10 percent win rate in Platinum+ ranks. However, his performance in the jungle is less than stellar, with only a 48.85 percent win rate in Platinum+ ranks, placing him among the lower-ranked junglers.

The Secrets Behind Karthus’ Damage Output

What makes Karthus so exceptional at dealing damage? Firstly, he possesses a global ultimate that allows him to cast spells even after death, thanks to his passive ability. This unique mechanic grants Karthus the ability to stay on the battlefield longer than other champions, resulting in higher damage numbers.

Additionally, Karthus benefits immensely from building ability power items. This means that regardless of which position he is played in, he will prioritize building items that enhance his damage throughout the game.

League of Legends, Karthus, damage output, win rate, ability power items