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Introducing the Newest Addition: Arclight Yorick

Yorick’s First Skin in Six Years is Finally Here

Good news for all the players of League of Legends! Yorick’s first skin in six years is now ready to be released.

The skin was first revealed on Riot’s social media along with the upcoming skin for Beekeeper Singed, which will be released soon.

Long Wait for a New Yorick Skin

Fans have been eagerly awaiting a new Yorick skin for a while now. The last skins, Pentakills and Undertaker, were released on June 22, 2011, which is over six years ago!

Arclight Series Expands

Arclight Yorick joins the ranks of Varus, Vayne, and Vel’Koz as the latest champion in the Arclight series. This means that Riot only needs to create one more skin to complete a team of five Arclight champions.

Updates in the Immortal Journey Skins

The Immortal Journey skins, which were recently released, gave Janna, Fiora, and Master Yi each a new skin. These were three out of the five skins planned for this patch. Soon, the Super Galaxy skins will take over the Rift in the next patch.

Arclight Yorick can be purchased for 1,350 RP from the League RP store.

Yorick, skin, League of Legends, Arclight, champion, Riot, release, series, Immortal Journey, Super Galaxy, RP store