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Broxah Demonstrates He’s the Indispensable Jungler for Fnatic

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Fnatic’s Broxah Shines in Summer Split

Fnatic ended the 2019 LEC Spring Split with a sense of disappointment. Although a solid finish for a rebuilding split, it didn’t meet the team’s high expectations. To improve their performance for the summer, Fnatic focused on the jungle position.

Many fans were skeptical of this decision, considering Mads “Broxah” Brock-Pedersen as one of Europe’s top junglers. However, Fnatic brought in Daniel “Dan” Hockley to compete for Broxah’s spot.

In the first week of the 2019 Summer Split, Broxah proved his worth as Fnatic’s starting jungler with a dominant performance on his signature champion, Lee Sin. He carried the team to victory against Misfits.

While beating Misfits may not seem like a huge achievement, Broxah’s exceptional gameplay stood out. He deviated from the current meta picks and excelled on Lee Sin. By securing early kills in the mid and top lanes, he successfully snowballed Fnatic’s solo lanes.

Broxah’s Epic Baron Steal

“Lee Sin is one of my comfort champions,” said Broxah in his post-match interview. “I really hoped to be able to play him this week.”

Despite Broxah’s early kills, Misfits fought back with their Sivir-oriented teamfight composition. They controlled the map and secured the Baron first. However, Broxah had other plans.

Misfits have struggled with Baron calls in the past, and Broxah made sure their nightmares continued by stealing away the Baron. Although Misfits managed to stall Fnatic’s first Baron push, they couldn’t hold on for long. A great pick by Fnatic support Hylissang onto Misfits’ Sivir sealed the game.

With this victory, Fnatic has proven that their early spring troubles are behind them. Broxah has shown the league and his team that he’s a dominant force in the jungle.

“I hope Fnatic fans don’t forget about my Lee Sin,” said Broxah. Undoubtedly, no one will be forgetting about Broxah anytime soon.

Fnatic, Broxah, Summer Split, Lee Sin, jungle dominance, Baron steal