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Teemo’s Introduction to the League of Legends, 11 Years Ago Today

League of Legends Champion Teemo Celebrates 11th Anniversary

Today marks the 11th anniversary of Teemo, one of the most controversial champions in League of Legends.

Riot released Teemo on February 21, 2009, and since then, he has become a polarizing figure in the game.

For some players, Teemo is a frustrating opponent, known for his tactics and toxic gameplay. However, others find him cute and enjoyable to play with.

Teemo was created by Riot as part of a race of small and resilient creatures. Inspired by moogles from Final Fantasy and ewoks from Star Wars, the Yordle champion was born.

Today, Teemo has become an iconic character in League of Legends, with fans wearing his hat at competitive events and the internet filled with Teemo memes.

While opponents find Teemo extremely annoying due to his abilities like blinding dart and gank-quelling mushrooms, beginners can easily pick up this champion and have success in the game.

Whether you love or hate him, there’s no denying that Teemo adds an extra level of excitement to the world of League of Legends.

League of Legends, Teemo, champion, Yordle, Riot, anniversary, gameplay, polarizing, iconic, abilities, excitement