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Top Picks for Support Champions in League of Legends

The Support Role in League of Legends

The support role in League of Legends can often be a thankless job. A good support can go relatively unnoticed during a game, but playing poorly can get you ruthlessly flamed. In this article, we’ll break down the different types of supports and discuss the best ones in League’s Patch 13.21.

Types of Supports in League

Supports in League can be split into three categories: Enchanters, Engagers, and Poke supports. Enchanter supports, like Soraka or Nami, focus on keeping the bot lane carry alive with heals and shields. Engage supports, like Alistar or Leona, look to all-in the enemy bot lane with crowd control and high early-game damage. Poke supports, like Zyra or Brand, annoy the enemy laners with long-range abilities.

Best Supports for Patch 13.21

1. Thresh
Thresh is a versatile support and a consistent pick in nearly all matchups. His kit offers great engage potential and the ability to reposition allies with his lantern. He is the most popular support in high Elo games.

2. Rell
Rell is a strong engage support with her Q ability that breaks shields. She counters most enchanters and meta ADCs. She is perfect for players looking to carry games from the support role.

3. Senna
Senna is a scaling ranged support who deals more damage than traditional supports. She scales infinitely and becomes a secondary AD carry. She requires good understanding of wave management and positioning.

4. Pyke
Pyke is a carry-oriented support with high mobility and ultimate resets. He is most successful at higher Elo and can exploit squishy champions with little mobility. Playing Pyke requires good mechanical proficiency.

5. Rakan
Rakan is one of the most mobile engage supports with lots of crowd control. He offers strong two-vs-two trading but is squishier compared to other supports. He is a popular pick with the highest win rate among all supports.


Choose the support that fits your playstyle and the team composition. Thresh, Rell, Senna, Pyke, and Rakan are some of the best supports in League’s Patch 13.21. Mastering these champions and understanding their strengths and weaknesses will greatly improve your support gameplay.

League of Legends, support role, Thresh, Rell, Senna, Pyke, Rakan, enchanters, engagers, poke supports, Patch 13.21