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Griffin Kick off LCK Summer with a Victory against Afreeca Freecs

Griffin Defeats Afreeca Freecs in Close Match

Griffin started off strong in their first game of LCK Summer 2019 against Afreeca Freecs. However, the 2-1 victory was not as decisive as Griffin fans had hoped.

In game one, Griffin surprised everyone with unconventional picks. Jeong “Chovy” Ji-hoon played Camille in the mid lane and Son “Lehends” Si-woo played Lux. These picks, popular in Korean solo queue, helped Griffin counter Afreeca’s hard scaling composition.

Surprisingly, it was Choi “Sword” Sung-won’s Jayce that stole the show in the early game. He forced Kim “Kiin” Gi-in’s flash with a gank and then solo killed him at around 11 minutes.

As the game progressed, Afreeca tried to take baron with Son “Ucal” Woo-hyeon’s Azir and Kim “Aiming” Ha-ram’s Xayah to force a fight. However, Lee “Tarzan” Seung-yong’s Sejuani stole the baron with a 50/50 smite steal and Park “Viper” Do-hyeon’s AP Kai’Sa wiped out Afreeca’s back line. This secured a comfortable lead for Griffin, leading to their victory in just under 38 minutes.

In game two, Griffin struggled as every lane lost badly. Afreeca took a 7-0 kill lead and dominated dragon control. However, despite their advantages, Afreeca couldn’t end the game. Griffin held off multiple siege attempts and made multiple comebacks, only succumbing to defeat after 45 minutes.

The third game saw Griffin secure Camille and Lux once again. The game turned into a constant brawl from the start, with both teams aggressively fighting each other. Griffin managed to build a significant lead at 24 minutes and utilized split pushing and superior plays from Sword and Viper to dismantle Afreeca.

With this victory, Griffin showcased their innovative gameplay. They will face Damwon Gaming on June 8, while Afreeca will challenge defending champions SK Telecom T1 on June 9 to close out the LCK opening week.

Related keywords: Griffin, Afreeca Freecs, LCK Summer 2019, gaming, esports