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Top Lane Champions: Unveiling the Best Picks in League of Legends

There are different types of top laners in League of Legends that counter each other. These archetypes include hypercarries, support-style champions, and split-pushers. Each archetype has varying strength based on the meta and matchups. In this article, we will highlight the six best top lane champions in League of Legends.

**Split-Pusher top laners in LoL**

Split-pushers have a weak laning phase and struggle to trade damage until they acquire a few items. However, once they have obtained these items, they become formidable and can steamroll through the lane, taking down turrets. (video embedded here)

**Support-Style top laners in LoL**

Support-style top laners are the tankiest champions in the game. They can trade damage relatively well, but their main strength comes from surviving in lane until they build tank items to participate in team fights. There are a few unique support-style top laners that differ from others.

**Top Lane Hypercarriers in LoL**

Top-lane hypercarries are champions that deal high burst damage and can hit multiple targets with their area-of-effect abilities.

It’s important to note that the list of top-tier champions can change depending on various factors, including patches and balance adjustments. It can be challenging to keep up with the latest trends, so let’s explore the best top laners for League’s Patch 13.21.


Jax is one of the best-performing top laners in the game with a high win rate of 48.49 percent. Despite some nerfs in Patch 13.14, he remains a powerful pick in melee matchups. Jax is known for his dueling capabilities and can carry the game on his own. (image embedded here)

– The new AP build is viable in the top lane
– Hybrid damage makes it difficult for opponents to itemize against
– Scales well with both AP and AD builds

– Weaker laning phase
– Susceptible to hard crowd-control abilities
– Squishy without his ultimate in the AP build

For his item build, most Jax players opt for the AD build as it provides more survivability in team fights. The main keystone rune is Lethal Tempo, which synergizes well with Jax’s passive. Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, and Last Stand are commonly chosen as the remaining runes. The secondary tree often revolves around Inspiration or Resolve. The core items include Divine Sunderer and Spear of Shojin, followed by options like Zhonya’s Hourglass, Frozen Heart, Death Dance, Guardian Angel, Wit’s End, and Maw of Malmortius.

When it comes to ability priority, it’s best to max W (Empower) first for damage and auto-attack reset, followed by E (Counter Strike) for reduced incoming damage and more frequent stuns. Q (Leap Strike) is maxed last as it doesn’t significantly reduce its cooldown with levels.

Jax’s game plan involves adapting his build based on the matchup and team needs. He should avoid being too aggressive early on and prioritize farming. Once he has his core items, he can play more offensively and put pressure on one side of the map. Stacking his passive before fights is crucial for maximizing his strength.


Aatrox has received an indirect buff with the new Spear of Shojin, boosting his mid-game power spike. Despite a slightly lower win rate, he remains a strong pick with over two million games played. Aatrox excels in fighting against meta champions and benefits from his sustained healing. (image embedded here)

– Buffed in the latest patch
– Good matchup against most meta champions
– Unparalleled sustain

– Difficult combos to master
– Limited mobility
– Challenging to play from behind

Aatrox’s item build includes an emphasis on the new Spear of Shojin, which greatly reduces ability cooldown. Eclipse is the main Mythic item, followed by Serylda’s Grudge or Sterak’s Gage for additional damage. Defensive options like Guardian Angel and Maw of Malmortius can also be considered. Ability priority is R (World Ender) > Q (The Darkin Blade) > E (Umbral Dash) > W (Infernal Chains).

In terms of gameplay, Aatrox players should be more conservative in the early game due to slightly weaker early damage. As the game progresses, they can become more aggressive and look for flanks or duels. It’s important to evaluate whether split pushing or team fighting is the better approach in each situation.


Darius is a highly banned top lane champion for good reason. He is one of the strongest laners in the game, and his win rate remains consistent. Darius is known for his snowball potential and tankiness. (image embedded here)

– Strong laning phase
– Powerful snowball potential
– Tanky

– Falls off in the late game
– Lack of mobility
– Difficult to play from behind

Darius’s item build often includes Stridebreaker as the first item for its additional damage and slow. Dead Man’s Plate and Sterak’s Gage provide additional movement speed and damage respectively. Force of Nature and Gargoyle Stoneplate offer defensive options. Ability priority follows R (Noxian Guillotine) > Q (Decimate) > E (Apprehend) > W (Crippling Strike).

In terms of gameplay, Darius players should focus on dominating the laning phase by trading aggressively. They can continue to snowball their lead and become an intimidating presence on the map. Darius excels in front-line tanking and can split push effectively. Ending the game as quickly as possible is ideal, as his threat diminishes in the late game.


Camille is making a return as a top-tier pick due to her dueling potential and strong laning phase. While she has some unfavorable matchups, she excels against tanks and damage-oriented top laners. Camille’s win rate rises as you climb the ladder. (image embedded here)

– Strong dueling potential
– Capable of melting tanks
– Scales well into the late game
– Great for picks

– Mechanically demanding
– Challenging to play from behind
– Weaker early game compared to other champions

Camille’s item build includes Divine Sunderer as the first core item, followed by Ravenous Hydra for wave clearing, damage, and lifesteal. Additional items like Death Dance and Maw of Malmortius round off the build. Ability priority follows R (Hextech Ultimatum) > Q (Precision Protocol) > E (Hookshot) > W (Tactical Sweep).

Camille’s game plan revolves around making short trades during the laning phase and focusing on farming. Once she obtains her core items, she becomes a strong split pusher and can join fights effectively. Assessing whether to target backline or frontline enemies with her ultimate is crucial.


Fiora is known for her high damage and dueling potential. She has a steep learning curve but can be extremely rewarding in the hands of an experienced player. Fiora’s win rate increases significantly in higher Elo brackets. (image embedded here)

– Mobile
– High damage
– Powerful in all stages of the game with skillful play

– Difficult to learn
– Challenging to play from behind and prone to mistakes
– Tough matchups in specific situations

Fiora’s rune setup and item build can vary based on the matchup. However, most players opt for the Phase Rush setup, including items like Trinity Force or Stridebreaker, Black Cleaver, Hullbreaker, Dead Man’s Plate, Force of Nature, and Guardian Angel. Ability priority follows R (Grand Challenge) > Q (Lunge) > E (Bladework) > W (Riposte).

Fiora players should focus on farming and taking short trades during the laning phase. Once her ultimate is unlocked, she can look for quick eliminations on squishy targets. Split pushing and joining fights when necessary is the key to success for Fiora.


Garen is a popular pick in the lower ranks due to his simplicity and effectiveness in most matchups. With a win rate of 52.5 percent at gold Elo, Garen excels against other meta champions. He is known for his strong laning phase and dueling potential. (image embedded here)

– Easy to pick up and play
– Passive ability aids in out-sustaining opponents
– Strong dueling potential
– Annoying to deal with

– Vulnerable to crowd control abilities
– Less mobile compared to other top laners
– Struggles in specific matchups

Garen’s item build differs depending on the rune setup. Common choices include Trinity Force or Stridebreaker as Mythic items, followed by Black Cleaver, Hullbreaker, Dead Man’s Plate, Force of Nature, and Guardian Angel. Ability priority follows R (Demacian Justice) > E (Judgment) > Q (Decisive Strike) > W (Courage).

For gameplay, Garen players should focus on farming and trading during the laning phase. Split pushing and joining fights based on team needs is crucial. Garen’s ultimate should be used to eliminate high-priority threats at the start of team fights.

These six top lane champions offer varying playstyles and strengths. By understanding their abilities, item builds, and gameplay strategies, players can excel in the top lane and secure victory.

League of Legends, top laners, hypercarries, support-style champions, split-pushers, Jax, Aatrox, Darius, Camille, Fiora, Garen.