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Aghanim’s Trials to Introduce a Challenging Magician Difficulty

The Upcoming Dota 2 Weekly Trials to be Played on Lower Difficulty

Valve has announced that the upcoming weekly Trials for this year’s Dota 2 summer event will be played on the second-lowest difficulty. This decision comes after receiving criticism about the extreme nature of the Labyrinth and Trials. In response, Valve has made adjustments to notorious rooms and has further lowered the difficulty of Apprentice and Magician levels. The aim is to strike a balance between casual and dedicated players.

Changes to Interdimensional Baby Roshan Rewards

To encourage more participation in Aghanim’s Trials, Valve has added another Interdimensional Baby Roshan to the prizes. Previously, this reward was exclusively for the top-placed team globally each week. However, now a random team that clears the first boss will also have a chance to win the Interdimensional Baby Roshan.

Leaderboards and Free Access

Each team will have the opportunity to book a two-hour slot to attempt the Labyrinth. The fastest times will be updated every five hours on a public in-game leaderboard. It’s important to note that even non-owners of the Dota 2 battle pass can play the limited-time mode for free.

Aghanim’s Trials is set to begin tomorrow at 12am CT. Good luck and have fun!

Dota 2, weekly trials, difficulty, Valve, Labyrinth, Apprentice, Magician, Interdimensional Baby Roshan, prizes, participation, leaderboards