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Top Corki Build in League of Legends

Corki is an extremely strong champion in League of Legends. He excels at dealing damage from a safe distance with his bursty abilities, making him a DPS machine. Although Corki is typically played as an ability power-focused caster in the mid lane, he has some attack damage ratios that make him a threat with hybrid damage. When he was first added to the League roster, Corki was designed to be an AD carry but has since transitioned into a mage role. Here’s everything you need to know to master Corki in your League games.


Corki utilizes a hybrid build that maximizes his damage ratios, magic penetration-centric abilities, and heavy AoE damage. To make the most of his abilities, you can use the following runes:

– First Strike: Corki benefits from League’s newest keystone rune, First Strike, which can be easily triggered with Missile Barrage (R) and used to deal more damage with Gatling Gun (E).
– Magical Footwear: Corki’s build can be expensive, so starting with a free pair of boots from Magical Footwear helps to alleviate some of the cost.
– Biscuit Delivery: Corki benefits from extra sustain in the early stages of the game, as he doesn’t have inherent sustain through his abilities.
– Time Warp Tonic: When combined with Biscuit Delivery, this rune provides additional sustain for Corki.

– Taste of Blood: Extra healing is important for Corki, especially in the late-game when he deals significant damage with rockets.
– Ultimate Hunter: Corki’s ultimate ability is already on a minimal cooldown, but with Ultimate Hunter, he can continuously utilize his missiles.

Starting Items

Instead of a traditional Doran’s item, Corki can start with Tear of the Goddess and two Health Potions. Tear of the Goddess allows him to stack it quickly and provide sustain in the early game.

Core Items

Corki’s core build includes the following items:

– Luden’s Tempest: This is Corki’s go-to Mythic item, as it boosts his abilities’ damage and turns him into a significant backline threat.
– Manamune: Corki is mana-hungry, especially in the late game, so rushing Manamune ensures he has enough mana to continuously use his abilities.
– Ravenous Hydra: This item amplifies Corki’s missiles, giving them extra splash damage and making his ultimate a powerful source of damage against clumped enemies.
– Sorcerer’s Shoes: Since all of Corki’s abilities deal magic damage, Sorcerer’s Shoes help maximize the value of his abilities.

Late-game Items

In the late game, Corki can consider the following items:

– Shadowflame: This item’s passive effect provides extra magic penetration based on the target’s missing percent health, making it perfect for Corki.
– Zhonya’s Hourglass: If Corki needs extra time to survive against a diving enemy team, Zhonya’s Hourglass provides both survivability and armor.
– Void Staff: Corki benefits greatly from magic penetration, especially with his ultimate ability, making Void Staff an excellent choice to complete his build.

Situational Items

While not essential, these items can be situational choices for Corki:

– Rabadon’s Deathcap: If Corki is ahead in the game and has extra gold, this item can further boost his damage.
– Cosmic Drive: This item provides a speed boost when using abilities, allowing Corki to reposition himself during battles.
– Banshee’s Veil: If the enemy consistently deals poke damage, Banshee’s Veil’s spell shield can offer protection.

Champion Counters

Corki struggles against champions who can jump on him and stick to him. Champions like Fizz, Qiyana, and Zed, who have high mobility and relentless pursuit, can easily take advantage of Corki’s lack of escape tools and mobility.