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Self-Reflection: Mastering Game Replays to Analyze Your Performance

Improving Your Solo Q Performance: Key Tips

The best way to improve your solo q performance is by watching replays. By analyzing your gameplay, you can identify areas for improvement and enhance your skills over time.

1. Skillshot Ratio

Focus on efficiently dodging skill shots rather than landing them. The more skill shots you dodge, the more opportunities you’ll have to deal damage. Dodging skill shots is a crucial skill for any good player.

2. Total Number of Wards Placed

Ensure you have a pink ward on the map after your first back, and it shouldn’t be missing for more than 3 to 5 minutes once placed. This provides valuable vision and can lead to advantageous plays when the enemy clears the ward. The use of green wards depends on your role and champion. After 30 minutes, potions and mana pots become useless, so prioritize buying green wards.

3. Enemy Cooldowns

When laning against an opponent, it’s crucial to know the cooldowns and damage percentages of the enemy champions. This knowledge helps you determine when to back or stay in lane. If your other lanes are losing and you can buy essential items, back immediately. If other lanes are winning, you can play more aggressively. Pay attention to your health after taking damage, make a rough calculation, and analyze whether you’ve come out on top or not.

4. Avoid Wasting Time

Take note of how much time you spend being idle. Many players don’t realize where their time goes. Ideally, you shouldn’t be idle for more than 10 seconds per minute. Use 30 seconds to harass your opponent and 20 seconds to secure CS for yourself or your carries.

5. Observe Others

Always take the time to watch others play. They are at the same skill level as you, and understanding your team’s mindset is crucial. Analyzing their gameplay will reveal their weaknesses, allowing you to exploit them in future matches.


solo q performance, skillshot ratio, wards, enemy cooldowns, wasted time, observing others.