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Top Jax Builds in League of Legends

Riot Games recently updated Jax in Patch 13.1, the first official patch of season 13. The champion now has new numbers and effects on his abilities, allowing players to build him as a burst magic damage champion or a splitpushing bruiser.

To help you understand how to properly build Jax in the new season, we have created an in-depth guide on what runes and items you should use. We will cover both AP and AD versions of the build.


**Conqueror Jax (AP version)**

– Conqueror: This rune is essential for the AP Jax build as it allows you to gain extra adaptive force and maximize your burst damage. It also provides extra healing during fights and duels.
– Presence of Mind: While Jax doesn’t have high mana costs, this rune helps with his spell spamming by granting extra mana upon takedowns.
– Legend: Alacrity: Attack speed is crucial for Jax, and this rune helps compensate for the loss of attack speed in the AP build.
– Coup de Grace: This rune increases your chances of killing opponents when they are below 40% health.


– Nimbus Cloak: This rune grants bonus movement speed after casting summoner spells, helping you stick to enemies or escape from danger.
– Transcendence: Jax doesn’t build ability haste until late game, so this rune lowers cooldowns and allows for more aggressive trades or fights.

**Lethal Tempo Jax (AD version)**

– Lethal Tempo: This rune is crucial for the AD Jax build as it improves your attack speed and scales well into late game.
– Triumph: Since you won’t be using mana as much, this rune is the best option as it grants extra health generation and bonus gold upon takedowns.
– Legend: Alacrity: This rune is common for both Jax builds, as attack speed is important for his playstyle.
– Last Stand: This rune increases your damage when you’re low on health, which is a situation you’ll often find yourself in with Jax.


– Bone Plating: This rune is beneficial for Jax’s early game as it reduces damage taken from poke and short trades.
– Overgrowth: Jax doesn’t have a lot of bonus health in his build, so this rune makes him tankier and harder to take down.

**AP Jax Build (New)**

In the AP Jax build, start with Doran’s Shield against mid lane mages for better sustain. Rush Nashor’s Tooth as your first core item, followed by Riftmaker for extra tankiness and sustain. Build tier-two boots (Sorcerer’s Shoes) for magic penetration. For the fourth item, you have options like Ravenous Hydra or Lich Bane for burst damage. Situational items include Zhonya’s Hourglass for protection and Rylai’s Crystal Scepter or Cosmic Drive for chasing and sticking to targets.

**AD Jax Build**

The AD Jax build is suitable for the top lane. Start with Doran’s Shield for defense or Doran’s Blade for aggression. Rush Sheen and Cauffield’s Hammer as your first items, followed by Divine Sunderer as your Mythic item. Build Blade of the Ruined King as your second core item, followed by Ravenous Hydra for wave clear. Situational items include Death Dance for resistances or Spear of Shojin for reduced ability cooldowns. Hullbreaker can be used for splitpushing, Wit’s End for magic resistance, and Guardian Angel for survivability.

These are the best new Jax builds in League of Legends season 13. Experiment with different runes and items to find the playstyle that suits you the best.