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Gambit Gaming: A risk-taker’s nightmare

Gambit Gaming: The Unexpected Rise

Gambit Gaming has taken the gaming world by storm with their recent winning streak. No one anticipated their sudden success, leaving everyone wondering what led to this impressive turnaround.

A Surprising Resurgence

After a shaky start with five consecutive losses, Gambit Gaming came back strong with five consecutive wins. They even defeated a tough opponent like Fnatic during their winning streak, proving that their victories were not just against weaker teams.

The Turning Point

To understand the cause of this sudden resurgence, it is important to examine where it all began – their last loss. In Game 1 of week 3, Gambit made questionable picks, such as Gragas top and Lulu support. Meanwhile, their opponents Freeze and Soren had stronger champions like Kalista and Kassadin. It is evident why Gambit lost this game. However, this loss marked the end of their losing streak.

A Refined Strategy

The next day, Gambit faced off against H2K, and their improved performance was evident from the pick and ban phase alone. They had clearly made drastic improvements overnight. One key factor was NiQ’s counter pick of Kassadin against Ahri, which helped secure their victory. Additionally, Cabochard’s exceptional performance on Irelia played a crucial role. Instead of playing from behind, Gambit focused on maintaining even gold until they were confident enough to teamfight, a strategy reminiscent of old school Gambit.

Does Gambit’s current teamfight-heavy playstyle remind anyone else of old school Gambit? They carefully navigate the game until they find the perfect fight and then capitalize on it, gaining an advantage through vision control and counter jungling/ganking.

Factors Contributing to Success

Two significant factors contributed to Gambit’s improvement. Firstly, their coach Leviathan joined a couple of weeks into the split. His motivation and game knowledge played a significant role in boosting the team’s performance. Secondly, according to Cabochard, their top laner, they were able to analyze and rectify their mistakes step by step. Despite facing internet connectivity issues, which hindered their practice time, they continue to work towards reaching their full potential as a team.

A Promising Future

Gambit Gaming has shown remarkable improvement, and the results are evident in their smoother pick and ban phase and better early game execution. While NiQ has struggled, Betsy has stepped in admirably, helping the team secure crucial wins, including one against Fnatic. With IEM on the horizon, fans eagerly anticipate Gambit’s future, hoping to see them compete with the best teams in the world.

Gambit Gaming, esports, winning streak, resurgence, team improvement, strategy, coach, potential, future.