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Possible leaked abilities for the next likely champion in League, Bel’Veth

Leaked Abilities of Potential Next Champion in League of Legends

Yesterday, the leaked abilities for the potential next champion in League of Legends were shared on content creator Ryscu’s YouTube channel. Fans of the game are eagerly awaiting more information about the Empress of the Void, Bel’Veth, and her leaked abilities give players a taste of what she may bring to the Rift.

In the recent Champion Roadmap, Riot provided some information about the Empress. However, apart from her title, not much is known about her. In a leaked gameplay video, Bel’Veth appears in two forms: one resembling a manta ray with a human face and the other with a more void-like head shape.

League of Legends’ most recent champion release was Renata Glasc, almost two months ago, and her addition brought new mechanics to the game. Players are curious to see if the Empress will have similarly surprising abilities.

Leaked Abilities of Bel’Veth

  • Passive – Death In Lavender: All enemies drop something when they die, and the Empress can collect these objects to stack her passive. The passive grants lifesteal against jungle camps and allows her to send her swarm to attack turrets or epic monsters, healing her and damaging the enemy.
  • Q – Void Surge: Bel’Veth dashes, dealing damage and slowing enemies. If she damages a champion or epic monster in the direction of the dash, the ability’s cooldown is fully restored. When used against small monsters or minions, it restores 40 percent of the ability’s cooldown. Void Surge activates her passive when used to pass through enemies while in Endless Banquet.
  • W – Above and Below: Bel’Veth goes underground, gaining movement speed and allowing her to pass through walls. She then emerges, dealing damage and stunning opponents in a small area. While using Above and Below in Endless Banquet, she becomes untargetable.
  • E – Royal Maelstrom: Bel’Veth channels a vortex that pulls enemies towards her, damaging them. While channeling, she takes less damage and converts a percentage of damage received into damage dealt. Using Royal Maelstrom in Endless Banquet allows her to deal true damage and create an AoE damage explosion.
  • R – Endless Banquet: The ultimate ability buffs all of Bel’Veth’s abilities and transforms her into her true form. While in her true form, she gains HP, magic resistance, armor, and damage. She can also form a swarm of fish-like monsters that damage nearby enemy champions. The swarm’s duration can be extended by killing opponents.

Based on these leaks, it appears that Bel’Veth may be a hybrid champion who can build both AP and AD items. Her abilities and potential build have similarities to other champions like Senna, Thornmail, Kai’Sa, and Kog’Maw. However, players will have to wait for Riot to officially reveal Bel’Veth’s abilities. In the meantime, they can enjoy the ongoing 2022 Mid-Season Invitational.

League of Legends, Champion abilities, Bel’Veth, leaked, potential next champion, hybrid build, 2022 Mid-Season Invitational