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Muting Players in League of Legends: A Guide

How to Mute Players in League of Legends

When playing League of Legends, communication with your teammates is essential for success. While voice chat is not available unless you queue up together, there are other ways to communicate effectively in the game.

The game provides a written chatbox and pings that allow you to interact with your team. Most players use these tools respectfully to improve their chances of winning. However, there are some disruptive and toxic players who can hinder your team’s performance.

In such situations, it’s important to know how to mute players. Muting them will allow you to focus on the game without being distracted by negative or disruptive comments. Here’s how you can effectively mute players in League of Legends:

Muting everyone individually

If you encounter disruptive players, you have the option to mute them individually. However, muting everyone may not always be the best choice as you might miss out on important information from your non-disruptive teammates.

Muting players during the picking stage

During the picking stage, you might come across players who try to provoke you. To mute them, simply use the “/mute” command followed by the player’s name. If you can’t type their name correctly, copy and paste it from the chatbox.

Muting players during a match

Muting players during a match is easier than during the picking stage. Click on the chat bubble icon to mute incoming messages from a player. Clicking on the smiley-face icon will mute their pings and emotes. Remember, you can unmute them at any time if necessary.

How to Mute Everyone in League of Legends

If you prefer silence during your games, you can mute everyone with a single command. However, this may not always be the best choice as it can lead to missed communication with non-disruptive teammates. Nevertheless, you can use the command “/mute all” or “/fullmute” to mute everyone for the duration of your game session.

How to Unmute Players in League of Legends

If you have muted your teammates, you can unmute them by clicking on the chat bubble and smiley-face icons once again. However, if you are in the picking stage, the process may be slightly more complicated. Use the same commands you used to mute them to unmute.

How to Permanently Mute Players in League of Legends

If there is a particularly toxic player that you want to avoid in future games, you can ignore them. Ignoring can be done during the after-game screen or by using the “/ignore” command. When an ignored player joins your team, you will receive a chat notification. However, you won’t receive a notification if the ignored player is on the enemy team. You can identify pre-muted enemy players by checking the scoreboard.

How to Mute Players in League’s Voice Chat

League of Legends offers a voice chat feature for players in a party. However, you cannot communicate via voice chat with random teammates. To mute players in your party’s voice chat, click on the microphone icon and mute individual players by clicking on the speaker icon next to their name.

How to Disable Automatic Log-in to League’s Voice Chat

Automatic log-in to the voice chat can be disabled to avoid unexpected interruptions or privacy concerns. Simply click on the cog icon in the top right corner of the League launcher. In the Voice section, uncheck the “Join the voice channel automatically” option. You can also choose to mute your microphone upon joining a lobby by activating the “Mute me when I connect to League voice” feature.

Muting Players in League of Legends: A Guide
Muting Players in League of Legends: A Guide

League of Legends, mute players, voice chat, toxic players, communication, in-game chat, pings, disruptive players, mute commands, picking stage, match, individual muting, mute all, unmute players, permanently mute, ignore players, voice chat mute, disable automatic log-in.