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FPX dominates JDG as Team WE and BLG secure spots in 2021 LPL Summer Split playoffs.

FunPlus Phoenix Sweeps JDG, Locks in Playoff Spot

In a dominant 2-0 series, FunPlus Phoenix (FPX) secured their spot in the 2021 LPL Summer Split playoffs, while also maintaining their second-place standing in the league. This victory also guarantees playoff spots for Team WE and Bilibili Gaming, who have had an impressive season.

Lwx Shines as MVP with Stellar Performance

FPX’s AD carry, Lwx, was the standout player in the series, particularly on his favorite champion, Aphelios. With an impressive KDA of 16/2/17, Lwx displayed his adaptability and skill in both matches. In the second game, he even utilized an unconventional item, Serpent’s Fang, to counter the opposing team.

FPX’s Aggression Overwhelms JDG

Despite the hype surrounding the match of the week, FPX quickly established their dominance. They executed aggressive plays throughout the game, securing objectives and maintaining constant pressure on JDG. Their early lead, coupled with Lwx’s strong performance, enabled them to secure a convincing victory in the first game.

JDG Fails to Counter Lwx’s Aphelios

JDG attempted to draft against Lwx’s Aphelios but were unable to successfully shut him down. Lwx capitalized on early kills to gain control of the game and snowballed his advantage, ultimately carrying FPX to victory. JDG’s drafting adjustments did not yield the desired results against FPX’s formidable AD carry.

FPX’s impressive performance this split positions them well for the playoffs, with a strong chance of contending for the world championship title. With a record of 11-3, they have established themselves as a top contender in the LPL Summer Split.

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FunPlus Phoenix, JDG, LPL Summer Split, playoffs, Team WE, Bilibili Gaming, Lwx, Aphelios, dominance, aggression, world championship