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Top 10 Players Worth Watching in the Season 5 NA Scene

Top 10 NA Players to Watch in the S5 NALCS Spring Split

The S5 NALCS Spring Split is coming to an end, and it’s the perfect time to take a look at 10 players who I believe should be on your radar this season. This list won’t be based on statistics or achievements, but rather on the players who have the potential to provide the most interesting storylines.

10. Playing on Borrowed Time: CaliTrlolz8

CaliTrlolz8 may not be the most dominant TopLaner this season, but his journey is quite inspiring. He has put his education on hold to pursue his dreams in the NA scene. His motivation and dedication are commendable, and he is one of the most motivated players in the NA region.

9. Solo-Queue God… but…: Rush

Rush is a well-known Solo-Queue god from Korea. While his success in Solo-Queue doesn’t always translate to the professional scene, he has the potential to make a name for himself in NA. The question remains whether he will be able to outshine his competition and become a dominant force in the region.

8. Perfectly Average: Cop

Cop is often regarded as a solid ADC but not much more. However, he has consistently performed well throughout his career. Now, with his return to the LCS alongside rising star BunnyFuFu, Cop has an opportunity to prove himself against some of the top ADCs in the league.

7. Can The Wine Get Any Finer With Age: Xpecial

Xpecial, the veteran support player, has been compared to fine wine that gets better with time. Although his partnership with Piglet hasn’t lived up to expectations so far, there is still potential for them to dominate the NA scene.

6. Once King of Top: Impact

Impact was once considered one of the best players in League of Legends. However, his career took a downturn after his initial success. Now, playing for TiP, a promising NA team, Impact has the chance to show his true capabilities and make a comeback.

5. And You Thought You Were Getting Old: Saintvicious

Saintvicious, the once All-Star Jungler, has struggled to make a mark since Season 2. Although he has had some notable plays so far in Season 5, he hasn’t been able to reach his former glory. It would be satisfying to see Saintvicious prove himself and show the younger players what he is capable of.

4. The World According to Piglet: Piglet

Piglet, a former world champion, has had a rough time since his success in Season 3. Now playing for Team Liquid alongside a respected NA support, Piglet has the potential to shine once again. The situation between Piglet and Keith is a topic of intrigue, and their bot lane has the potential for greatness.

3. The Imperfect Résumé: Doublelift

Doublelift is known for his impressive track record. However, his résumé is flawed due to his lack of LAN event wins. Despite his trash-talk, he acknowledges this weakness. With more events to come this year, Doublelift has the opportunity to finally claim a trophy and solidify his status as a top ADC.

2. MVP or weak-link: Hai

Hai is a player who excels in shotcalling but struggles mechanically. While his team’s map movement is excellent, he often falls behind in terms of statistics. As the international events draw closer, Hai’s weaknesses will become more apparent, and he needs to step up his performance.

1. Rock or Pebble: Dyrus

Dyrus, one of the oldest players still active in League of Legends, is known for his consistency. However, he needs to show more game-changing plays and prove himself to be an essential asset to TSM. With the team’s high expectations, Dyrus needs to step up his game.

In conclusion, I have listed ten players who are worth watching in the S5 NALCS Spring Split. These players each have their unique storylines and have the potential to make an impact on the NA scene. Stay tuned for more updates on the upcoming Season 5 events!

S5 NALCS, NA scene, top players, storylines, CaliTrlolz8, Rush, Cop, Xpecial, Impact, Saintvicious, Piglet, Doublelift, Hai, Dyrus