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Bug discovered: Nautilus hook glitch alters its trajectory, potentially game-breaking.

Bug Discovered in League of Legends with Nautilus’ Hook Ability

One of the most popular support champions in League of Legends is facing a major bug. Nautilus, the anchor-wielding champion, seems to have a problem with his hook ability.

In a clip posted on League’s subreddit, a player encountered a strange glitch with Nautilus’ Dredge Line (Q) ability. Instead of hitting the intended target, the hook swung 90 degrees to the left and hit an unsuspecting Leona instead of the Ekko directly in its line of vision.

The cause of this bug is currently unknown, but it may be related to specific circumstances. The player used Nautilus’ hook just as Ekko died from Yasuo’s ignite, possibly affecting its trajectory and causing it to snap to the left.

Additionally, the player threw the hook into the Tri-Brush, a location known for its bugginess. However, even in this case, it would make more sense for the hook to hit the nearest target, Lux. It’s unclear whether the issue lies with Nautilus’ large hitbox or if there’s another underlying problem.

Nautilus has been a prominent pick in North America’s LCS and Europe’s LEC, being considered the best support choice at the moment. While champions like Tahm Kench and Braum have also received attention, Nautilus has been a go-to support in the current metagame.

In any case, it’s crucial for Riot to address this bug as soon as possible.

Related keywords: League of Legends, Nautilus bug, support champion, Dredge Line ability, Ekko, Yasuo, ignite, Tri-Brush, LCS, LEC, metagame