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Impending early surrender vote modifications in League may reduce in-game hostage situations

Changes Coming to Early Surrender Function in League of Legends

Leaving a League of Legends game that seems unwinnable may become easier in the near future. Riot Auberaun, a producer on League’s Game Loop team, announced that they will be testing changes to the early surrender function in Patch 13.2, scheduled for release on Jan. 24. This change will reduce the number of votes needed for an early surrender in blind pick and normal draft from five unanimous votes to four.

New Surrender Rules in Testing

Starting in patch 13.2 we’ll be testing a change to the surrender rules for Normals (Blind and Draft). Teams will be able to pass a surrender vote with 4/5 yes votes starting at 15 minutes. The early unanimous surrender will be removed. – Chris Roberts (@RiotAuberaun) January 6, 2023

Previously, early surrenders could only be initiated after 15 minutes of gameplay and required all team members to vote yes in order to end the game immediately. If not all players unanimously agreed, they would have to wait until the 20-minute mark to surrender with just four votes. Another option for ending a game early is through a remake vote, which only requires a majority of the players remaining in the game to vote yes.

Improving the Surrender Experience

Riot Auberaun explained that this change is based on internal data showing that teams who fail to successfully pass an early surrender vote rarely make a comeback. However, the team also wants to ensure that opponents have enough time to enjoy a lead and that games are not abandoned prematurely.

These changes to League’s early surrender system will be tested with the release of Patch 13.2 on Jan. 24. It’s currently unclear if these changes will eventually apply to the game’s ranked queues.

[Related League of Legends, early surrender, Patch 13.2, surrender vote, blind pick, normal draft]