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Tyler1 criticizes Riot’s delayed response to nerf ‘giga-broken’ League champions inflating player ranks

Tyler1 Calls out Riot Games for Delayed Nerfs to Overpowered Champions

Twitch star Tyler1 recently expressed frustration with Riot Games’ slow response in nerfing overpowered champions in League of Legends. In particular, he called out Udyr, whom he described as “giga-broken,” after encountering another player utilizing the powerful Jungle hero.

“What are these disgusting, Elo-inflated Udyr players going to do when they nerf this giga-broken champion?” Tyler1 exclaimed during a Jan. 3 Twitch stream.

Udyr’s Dominance and Tyler1’s Displeasure

Udyr underwent a rework in Aug. 2022 and received additional buffs shortly after. Since then, he has become one of the most dominant picks in the Jungle role, boasting a win rate of over 55 percent in the latest patch (source). Tyler1’s main issue is that Riot has yet to address Udyr’s overpowering state, which he believes is a recurring problem.

“When Riot leaves broken shit like this up, they take too long to nerf it,” Tyler1 criticized.

This situation frustrates him because he feels that Riot’s inaction allows “no talent” players, according to him, to take advantage of these champions, even if they don’t truly belong in his ELO. He hopes that Riot will take action soon and nerf these overpowering champions into oblivion.

Patch 13.1 and Potential Changes

League Patch 13.1 is scheduled to release on Jan. 10. Although the early patch notes do not mention any Udyr nerfs, this does not mean he is immune to adjustments. As more details emerge closer to the release date, changes may still be made.

The upcoming patch will feature nerfs to eight champions, including Aatrox, Dr. Mundo, Fiora, K’Sante, Mordekaiser, Rammus, Yummi, and Zeri. On the other hand, Jayce, Lissandra, Shaco, and Sion will receive buffs. These changes will have an impact on the meta and may impede Udyr’s dominance to some extent. However, Tyler1 firmly believes that The Spirit Walker requires a significant nerf.

Tyler1 Keeps an Eye on Riot’s Actions

The ball is now in Riot’s court, and Tyler1 is eagerly watching their next move. He, along with countless other players, hopes that Riot Games will address the overpowering champions promptly to maintain a healthy and balanced gaming experience.

Tyler1, Riot Games, nerf, League of Legends, Udyr, champion, giga-broken, Twitch star, Jungle hero, rework, buffs, win rate, League Patch 13.1, meta, adjustments, Aatrox, Dr. Mundo, Fiora, K’Sante, Mordekaiser, Rammus, Yummi, Zeri, Jayce, Lissandra, Shaco, Sion, Spirit Walker.