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Changes to Leona, Sona, and Senna in League of Legends’ Patch 10.3

League of Legends Patch 10.3 Adjusts Support Champions

Support mains, be aware of some adjustments coming to Leona, Sona, Yuumi, and Senna in the upcoming Patch 10.3 of League of Legends. These changes are likely to impact the playtime of these champions in the upcoming weeks.

Leona, the Radiant Dawn, will experience a significant nerf to her damage output in Patch 10.3. Her Eclipse and Zenith Blade abilities will see minor reductions in their damage numbers. Specifically, her W ability will now deal 60/95/130/165/200 damage instead of 60/100/140/180/220 magic damage, and her E ability will have its damage reduced by 10 at each level.

Sona’s movement speed was too high in the previous patch, so Riot Games has made adjustments to her E ability. The MS boost it provides has been decreased by five percent, along with a 0.01 reduction in its ability power scaling.

Senna’s support kit will receive a buff, while her AD carry capabilities will be nerfed in Patch 10.3. Players will now have a 25 percent chance of obtaining a mist wraith drop from minions that Senna doesn’t kill. However, the chance decreases to a mere 1.67 percent for cannon minions that she does kill.

As one of the strongest ADCs in the game, Senna’s scaling, healing, and range have made her dominant. With the changes in Patch 10.3, Senna will no longer receive guaranteed soul drops from cannon minions, resulting in slower scaling. However, playing her as a support will be more rewarding, as she will now see a five percent increase in soul drops from minions she doesn’t kill.

Keep an eye out for these adjustments in Patch 10.3 as they are likely to impact the strategies and gameplay of these popular support champions in League of Legends.

League of Legends, Patch 10.3, support mains, Leona, Sona, Yuumi, Senna, adjustments, nerf, buff, ADC, scaling.