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League of Legends Patch 9.10: Complete Changes and Updates

League of Legends Patch 9.10: New Champion, Buffs, Nerfs, and Skins

League of Legends Patch 9.10 has arrived, bringing with it a new champion and a variety of changes. Below is a detailed breakdown of the full patch notes and updates.

[New] Yuumi: The Magical Cat

Yuumi is the newest support champion in League of Legends. For a detailed explanation of her abilities, click here.

Champion Changes

– E – Conflagration: Magic damage increased.

– W – Yordle Snap Trap: Headshot bonus damage increased.

– W – Riposte: Updated mechanic with Braum and Kennen.

– Q – End of the Line: Detonation damage increased.

Master Yi:
– Q – Alpha Strike: Changes to casting time and target selection.
– W – Meditate: Changes to casting time.
– E – Wuju Style: Removed attack damage bonus.
– R – Highlander: Movement speed increased.

– Q – Broken Wings: Cooldown decreased.
– E – Valor: Cooldown increased.

– R – Hallucinate: Changes to appearance.

– Q – Starcall: Bonus movement speed increased.

– E – Spinning Slash: Cooldown and ratio decreased.

– R – Final Hour: Tumble cooldown reduced.

Xin Zhao:
– Q – Three Talon Strike: Cooldown decreased.

– Passive – Garden of Thorns: Damage changes.

Item Changes

Essence Reaver: Attack damage increased.

Guinsoo’s Rageblade: Phantom hit frequency and penetration increased.

Hunter’s Talisman: Passive burn effect now applies to pet attacks.

Runic Echos: Combine and total cost decreased.

Rune Adjustments

Conqueror: True damage and healing conversion decreased.

ARAM Balance Changes

Various adjustments to minion waves, turrets, and death timers.

Champions Nerfs

Aatrox, Janna, Maokai, and Sona received adjustments to their damage and shielding.

Champions Buffs

Azir, Kalista, Katarina, Mordekaiser, Taliyah, Tristana, Zac, and Zoe received damage buffs.

Rune Adjustments

Gathering Storm and Demolish received changes.

Bug Fixes

Various bug fixes, including for Rakan, Tahm Kench, Miss Fortune, and Nunu & Willump skins.

Upcoming Skins and Chromas

This patch will also introduce several new skins, including Battle Academia Ezreal, Jayce, Katarina, Lux, Lux Prestige Edition, and Battle Professor Graves and Battle Principal Yuumi.

League of Legends, Patch 9.10, champion, buffs, nerfs, skins