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Invictus Gaming uses Jungle Ivern for a comeback victory against Flash Wolves

Gao “Ning” Zhen-Ning’s Spectacular Ivern Performance Leads iG to Victory

Invictus Gaming’s jungler, Gao “Ning” Zhen-Ning, impressed fans with his unconventional pick of Ivern against Flash Wolves. Despite a shaky start, Ning’s Ivern played a crucial role in iG’s comeback win, bringing their MSI record to an impressive 9-0.

Ning’s Challenging Ivern Debut

Ning’s debut with Ivern didn’t go as planned. Unlike other junglers, Ivern’s early game focus is on clearing monster camps with the help of his ability called “Friend of the Forest.” Unfortunately, Ning’s teammates didn’t allow him the luxury of comfortably farming. Instead, he had to pause his power farming to assist his struggling bot side after they were caught off guard by Lee “Bugi” Seong-yeop’s early ganks as Jarvan IV.

A Bold Baron Steal Seals the Win

Even with Ning’s assistance and securing some kills, iG still couldn’t overcome Flash Wolves’ lead which kept growing. Flash Wolves had a favorable position to defeat the undefeated tournament favorites and attempted to take Baron. However, Ning, the only surviving player on iG’s side, stepped up and successfully stole the Baron, eliminating Flash Wolves’ top laner Su “Hanabi” Chia-Hsiang in the process.

Continuing Their Undefeated Streak

With the Baron buff in hand, iG stormed through Flash Wolves’ base, achieving their ninth consecutive MSI victory, thanks to Ning’s outstanding performance as Ivern.

iG now stands just one win away from completing the MSI group stage undefeated.

Invictus Gaming, iG, Gao “Ning” Zhen-Ning, Flash Wolves, Ivern, MSI, jungler, comeback victory, LPL champions, tournament favorites, Baron steal, undefeated streak