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Restrictive porn filters in the U.K. interfere with access to ‘League of Legends’

Welcome to the Unintended Consequences of UK Internet Filters

UK Prime Minister David Cameron recently implemented Internet filters to protect the country from extremist views and pornography. However, these filters are having some unintended consequences. They are blocking anything that contains the letters “sex,” which includes the popular game League of Legends. This is causing issues for British players.

The Issue at Hand

File names like “VarusExpirationTimer.luaobj” and “XerathMageChainsExtended.luaobj,” both found in the League of Legends launcher, are being blocked due to the presence of the letters “sex.” This was highlighted by LoLboompje on Reddit.

According to LoLboompje, “The cause is that your provider is blocking any URLs that contain any pornographic content. Apparently, that includes cases like this. Another cause is router protection settings, which may also block the word sex.”

Solution for Affected Players

If you are a British player experiencing this issue, the solution is simple. Just contact your Internet service provider and ask them to “opt in” to the full, uncensored Internet. Once you do this, you will regain access to all the content that was previously blocked.

Photo via Dept. for Business Innovation & Skills/Flickr


Gaming, eSports, League of Legends, Internet filters, UK Prime Minister, censorship, unintended consequences