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A Comprehensive Guide to Playing Soraka in the Top Lane

Soraka’s Rise in the Top Lane

Soraka gained popularity in the mid and top lanes a few years ago after receiving buffs to her self-healing abilities. However, she fell out of favor after being nerfed.

Despite no recent changes to her kit, top laner Martin “Wunder” Nordahl Hansen from G2 Esports picked Soraka in both of their LEC matches this week. So why is she suddenly making a comeback?

Analyze Soraka’s Abilities

Soraka’s Starcall (Q) is her main ability, dealing damage, granting movement speed, and providing a healing-over-time effect. It allows her to sustain through the laning phase and harass enemies. Astral Infusion (W) keeps teammates alive outside of the laning phase. Equinox (E) improves her poking capabilities and denies ganks. Wish (R) allows her to heal teammates from anywhere on the map.

Why is Soraka Popular Again?

While Soraka did not receive any buffs or nerfs recently, many other champions did. The current meta sees an increase in melee champions in the top lane, and Soraka is a good counter with her Q spam and low mana costs. She is also helpful in teamfights, allowing her ADC or mid laner to survive longer and denying enemy champions the opportunity to dive. Her global ultimate has an immediate impact and can deter enemies from diving your teammates.

Optimal Runes and Masteries

The best rune tree for Soraka is Sorcery. Summon Aery increases healing and poke potential, Mana Flow Band prevents running out of mana in the laning phase, Transcendence provides needed cooldown reduction, and Gathering Storm adds ability power while buying support items. Resolve as a secondary tree makes Soraka tankier with Second Wind and scaling health. Adaptive force runes give more early ability power.

Soraka’s Item Build

1) Starting items

Doran’s Ring is the recommended starting item as it provides ability power, mana regeneration, health, and easier last hitting. Two healing pots are also advised.

2) Core items

The three core items for Soraka are Athene’s Unholy Grail, Redemption, and Ardent Censer. These items enhance her healing and impact teamfights from a distance.

3) Situational items

The choice of boots depends on the enemy team composition. Ninja Tabi is recommended against auto-attack focused teams, Mercury Threads against ability damage-focused teams with crowd control, and Ionian Boots of Lucidity for increased cooldown reduction. Spirit Visage is useful against heavy magic damage teams, and Shurelya’s is effective against poking teams and for engaging/disengaging during teamfights.

Your Game Plan as Soraka

As Soraka, your goal is to farm safely with your Q and chip away at your opponent’s health. The focus is on poking and forcing them to back without putting yourself in a vulnerable position. Reach level six to impact the map with your ultimate and farm minions for core items. Group up with your team and focus on objectives, keeping your teammates alive. Remember that Soraka scales well and becomes impactful with each completed core item.

Don’t give up early, even if you face jungler pressure. Soraka’s impact grows with level and item progression, making her valuable in teamfights.

Soraka, League of Legends, top lane, meta, abilities, runes, masteries, item build, game plan