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Riot plans to increase the mana pool of 30 League champions in 2021 preseason, following changes to Sheen and other items that remove mana components.

Some League of Legends champions getting mana pool boost in 2021 preseason

In the upcoming 2021 preseason update for League of Legends, several champions will receive a small increase to their mana pools.

Mark “Scruffy” Yetter, the lead gameplay designer for League, shared the details of this update. The update involves removing the mana components from certain items, such as Sheen, to make them more accessible to new players. To balance this change, the mana pools of several champions who relied on these items will be adjusted.

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Approximately thirty champions, including heavy mana users like Anivia, Cassiopeia, Ezreal, Kassadin, and Ryze, will see a +20 mana increase per level. With the removal of extra mana from Sheen and other items, these mana-reliant champions require the additional mana to survive the early laning phase and farm efficiently.

This item change will also benefit champions who do not rely on mana, such as Lee Sin, Akali, and Gnar. For instance, Sheen enhances auto attacks after using an ability. With the removal of the mana component, the item becomes more effective for champions who would typically follow an alternative build path, allowing for more flexibility.

The 2021 preseason of League of Legends will also introduce a significant revamp to the item system. This includes the introduction of class-specific Mythic items.

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