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Suning secures Worlds final spot against DAMWON Gaming by defeating Top Esports

Suning Defeats Top Esports to Reach the League of Legends World Championship Finals

Suning emerged victorious in the semifinals of the 2020 League of Legends World Championship, defeating Top Esports with a 3-1 score. The key player for Suning was Lê “SofM” Quang Duy, who showcased his versatility by playing different champions in each game. SofM’s utility-oriented builds and frontline presence ensured the protection of his team’s carries.

The first game saw Suning take the lead, despite an early dive gone wrong against TES. SofM’s resilience helped the team come back and secure the win.

In the second game, Suning gained an early advantage, but TES stopped them from acquiring the Dragon Soul. TES capitalized on Suning’s wasted time and turned the tides, equalizing the series.

SofM’s surprise Shen pick in the third game caught TES off-guard, leading to a victory for Suning and putting them at match point.

The final game was a close one, with intense early game pressure from both teams. However, Suning emerged victorious in a crucial teamfight.

TES showed resilience throughout the series, but it was Suning who ultimately triumphed, securing their spot in the World Championship Finals.

Suning will now face DAMWON Gaming for the title on Saturday, Oct. 31. Stay tuned to witness the clash between the LPL and the LCK for this year’s championship.