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Giant Ashe in Minecraft constructed within 8 hours

Fans Create Colossal Ashe Statue in Minecraft

League of Legends fans have showcased their dedication and creativity by spending several hours constructing a massive Ashe statue in Minecraft.

A Reddit user and their friend participated in a LAN creative competition and devoted eight hours to building the impressive structure.

This remarkable achievement required immense patience, dedication, and hard work. Constructing the Ashe statue from scratch in Minecraft showcases the fans’ attention to detail and adherence to the game’s design.

The proportions and color scheme of the statue are spot-on, further adding to its impressive nature.

We are unsure if the Ashe statue won the competition, but its creation is undeniably outstanding. It would be fascinating to discover what else was submitted for the contest to rival this incredible piece of art.

League of Legends, Minecraft, creative competition, Ashe statue, dedication, creativity