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Week 2 LCK Standings

LCK Rankings: Team and Player Standings

In this week’s LCK rankings, I will discuss the performance of each team and highlight the top players in each position. I will also mention the MVP for each role. Let’s get started!

Team Rankings

  1. SKT: The undefeated defending champions continue to dominate the competition. With Faker’s diverse champion pool and the team’s comfort in the current meta, it’s hard to see any team defeating them.
  2. CJ: Despite some concerns, CJ managed to defeat KT and secure their spot. Coco’s performance has been commendable, but the team needs to improve, especially in the botlane.
  3. KT: KT convincingly defeated Jin Air and came close to beating CJ. Score’s early game pressure and Fixer’s support have been instrumental in their success.
  4. JAG: JAG holds this spot because they haven’t lost to a bottom team yet. Pilot and GBM are performing well, and the team seems to be maintaining their position for the time being.
  5. KOO: The Tigers survived a tough match against Samsung, but their early game needs improvement. If they don’t step up, they risk falling further.
  6. Samsung: Samsung’s aggressive early game strategy sets them apart from other bottom teams. With improved overall skill, they have potential for success in the future.
  7. Najin: Despite their talent, Najin is struggling due to Ggoong’s performance. They need to prove themselves by defeating IM convincingly next week.
  8. IM: While IM managed to beat Anarchy, they still need to show consistent improvement before moving up in the rankings.
  9. Anarchy: Anarchy excels in aggression, but they struggle with finishing off their opponents completely.
  10. Sbenu: Sbenu’s teamwork and skill are lacking, leading to their low position in the rankings.

Player Rankings


  1. Duke: Despite a tough match against SKT, Duke continues to excel with his solo kills and strong performance.
  2. Marin: Marin’s champion pool and dominance make him a formidable player.
  3. Shy: In terms of individual skill, Shy remains above others in the league. It’ll be interesting to see if he can adapt to different metas.

Runner ups for third: Smeb and Ssumday


  1. Score: With his team’s support, Score has been exceptional in the jungle.
  2. Eve: An aggressive jungler who has improved alongside his team’s solo laners.
  3. Bengi: Bengi brings consistency to SKT, even though Korea’s jungle position is weak overall.


  1. Faker: Faker’s skill and adaptability make him the top midlaner in the league.
  2. Coco: Continuously impressing with his mechanics and adaptation to the meta.
  3. Nagne: With a strong performance, Nagne has overtaken GBM in the midlane.


I will delay my choice for the top 3 ADCs for a week as all of them have had their moments of brilliance and struggles. They are:

– Pilot: Transitioning to high-mechanic champions and showing potential for growth.

– Ohq: Brilliant mechanics, but inconsistent performances hold him back.

– Bang: Consistent performances, but needs to face stronger competition to truly prove himself.


  1. Fixer: A crucial playmaker for KT, Fixer has been impactful in multiple champions.
  2. Wolf: Supporting the solid duo lane of SKT, Wolf brings versatility and roaming capability.
  3. Madlife: Returning to his old form, Madlife’s hook champions bring him success, but he needs to prove himself on peel champions as well.

MVP of the Week

  • Top: Ssumday – Displaying outstanding performance against Shy and Tracer, Ssumday’s diverse champion pool and strong play have been commendable. He was only stopped by Coco and Madlife’s combined effort.
  • Jungle: Score – Score’s jungle prowess has been key to his team’s success, consistently getting his team ahead.
  • Mid: Coco – Despite some setbacks, Coco’s performances against SBenu and KT were exceptional, securing victories for CJ.
  • ADC: Pilot – Although his team lost to KT, Pilot’s excellent performance and potential for growth as an ADC cannot be overlooked.
  • Support: Madlife – As the only CJ member besides Coco to perform well against KT, Madlife’s support plays were crucial in securing victory.

Next week, I will analyze the team and player movements in more detail. Stay tuned!

If you have your own top 10 or thoughts, feel free to share them in the comments or tweet me @antdrioite.

Esports, LCK Rankings, Team Rankings, Player Rankings, Top, Jungle, Mid, ADC, Support, MVP