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Master Yi player falls victim to Yorick’s ultimate in a hilarious outplay

League of Legends: A Duel to Remember

In the world of League of Legends, where there are over 150 champions to choose from, incredible plays are bound to happen. These plays are often witnessed by fans of the competitive scene, where top players showcase their skills in front of thousands of spectators every weekend. Prepare yourself for an epic battle between Master Yi and Yorick’s Maiden of the Mist.

A Battle of Titans

Recently, a nail-biting one-on-one duel between Master Yi and Yorick took place on Reddit. The battle unfolded in the red side’s top lane, with Yorick’s minion wave, supported by his powerful ghoul, pushing towards the inhibitor turret. Determined to defend their base, Master Yi attempted to clear the wave, but Yorick’s Maiden had other plans.

Master Yi’s Downfall

Master Yi planned to strike first with his Alpha Strike ability, followed by a smite and a flurry of auto-attacks. However, Yorick’s ghoul and his loyal minions quickly overwhelmed Master Yi, ending his reign faster than he could have anticipated. In a desperate attempt to escape, Master Yi used his flash ability but ultimately failed, leaving the Maiden with a mere sliver of health at 121.

A Lesson Learned

This duel serves as a reminder that even when faced with a seemingly favorable matchup, one should never underestimate their opponent. In this case, the significant level difference between Master Yi and Yorick proved to be the deciding factor. So, before engaging in a duel, it is crucial to carefully consider all factors at play.

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League of Legends, duel, Master Yi, Yorick, one-on-one, competitive, Reddit, top lane, inhibitors, Alpha Strike, Maiden of the Mist, ghoul, minions, lesson, battle.