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Upcoming Patch to Spotlight Fighters such as Fiora, Kled, and Olaf

Riot to Buff Fighters in Next League of Legends Patch

With the introduction of the new rune system in League of Legends, tanks and damage dealers were the ones benefiting the most. However, there was one class of champion that seemed to be struggling—fighters, the AD champions that fall between tanks and damage dealers. To address this, Riot Games has announced that they will be buffing fighters in the next patch, as stated in their post on the official game forums.

Damage dealers have been able to take advantage of the powerful runes such as Arcane Comet, Electrocute, Press the Attack, and Predator. Tanks, on the other hand, mostly rely on Aftershock or Grasp of the Undying. However, for fighters like Olaf, Kled, Fiora, Aatrox, and Renekton, the rune options seem lackluster.

These fighters used to rely on attack speed and AD runes in the old system, but now they are unable to utilize them. As a result, Riot will test some buffs for fighters in the next micropatch, Patch 7.24B, which will be released on the PBE.

Besides rune changes, item adjustments are also on the horizon. Items like Tiamat, Ravenous Hydra, and Black Cleaver will be changed to assist fighters. Additionally, Teemo and Jayce will receive nerfs, as they have been the strongest competitors in the top lane.

These changes are expected to bring fighters back to the top lane and provide more variety in champion picks. The patch is set to ship in approximately two weeks.

League of Legends, riot games, patch, buffs, fighters, rune system, damage dealers, tanks, champions