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Reworked Next Patch: Grasp of the Undying Strengthens Split-Pushers

Every year, the preseason is filled with changes before the pro season starts. This year, the new runes system was introduced, and now one of the runes is getting nerfed during League of Legends’ 7.24B micro patch.

Grasp of the Undying has been dominating the top lane meta recently, but it’s a little broken. The goal of the new runes was to make each choice meaningful, but the health gain mechanic of Grasp falls short. It’s unreliable and problematic because you can’t always stay in lane or trigger it frequently.

To make the rune feel better, Riot is making some adjustments. The heal is being increased from two percent to four percent of your max health, making it more significant. However, the permanent health gain of five points is being removed, as well as the two health points gained by ranged champions.

Instead, Grasp will now provide an Adaptive Damage buff. This buff adds AD or AP depending on which stat you have more of. Each time you trigger the rune, you’ll receive an Adaptive Damage boost equal to one percent or 1.25 percent of your max health, respectively.

These changes will benefit AD split-pushers the most, such as Urgot, Yorick, and Trundle. These champions will have enough health to receive a significant damage boost and will benefit from it during trades. However, tanks like Maokai and Nautilus won’t benefit as much compared to the previous version of the rune.

These changes are expected to go live this week with a micropatch.

League of Legends, preseason changes, new runes system, Grasp of the Undying, top lane meta, health gain mechanic, Adaptive Damage buff, AD split-pushers, micropatch, champions