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Top Yone Build for League of Legends

The Popularity of Yone in League of Legends

Since his release in 2020, Yone has become one of the most popular champions in League of Legends. Players enjoy his connection with his brother Yasuo and the similarities in their abilities. Yone’s high mobility and satisfying combos make him enjoyable to play at all skill levels.

However, mastering Yone requires patience and skill. It’s important to understand when Yone performs best during different stages of the game.

Yone’s Runes

There is one optimal rune setup for Yone, with some small adjustments depending on the enemy team composition:

Lethal Tempo

The Lethal Tempo rune is crucial for Yone because attack speed is his most important stat. It allows him to trade effectively in the early game. Conqueror is not as effective because Yone excels in quick trades.

Other recommended runes in this tree are:

Triumph: Provides bonus gold and health restoration upon takedowns.
Legend: Alacrity: Prioritizes attack speed, which is crucial for Yone.
Last Stand: Provides maximum damage increase when the passive of Immortal Shieldbow, a recommended item, procs.


In the Resolve tree, the recommended runes for Yone are:

Bone Plating: Counters top lane champions with high base damage, allowing Yone to trade better. Alternatively, Second Wind can be used against ranged champions or heavy pokers.
Revitalize: Amplifies Yone’s shields, sustain, and healing, especially below 40% health.

Yone’s Item Builds

Yone’s power spike occurs when he reaches 100% critical strike chance with two items, similar to his brother Yasuo. Before that, Yone has smaller spikes with certain item completions.

There are two possible starting item setups for Yone:

Doran’s Blade: Standard start for more aggressive trades.
Doran’s Shield: More defensive start against poke-heavy and strong early-game enemies.

Overall, Doran’s Shield is recommended for Yone’s weak early game.

During the laning phase, focus on farming and surviving to buy your first items. Choose between Noonquiver and Berserker’s Greaves on your first recall, depending on your trading ability and attack speed needs.

Building BotRK, Blade of the Ruined King, is recommended against tank-heavy enemy team compositions. However, rushing this item delays your power spikes as it does not provide any critical strike chance.

The core items for Yone are Immortal Shieldbow and Infinity Edge, which provide critical strike chance, attack speed, attack damage, and lifesteal.
Death Dance is a good item choice for both offensive and defensive stats, while Mortal Reminder counters enemy healing.

Guardian Angel and Bloodthirster are recommended to survive teamfights and burst damage situations. Avoid building Maw of Malmortius if you already have Immortal Shieldbow, and consider Wit’s End or Spirit Visage for magic resistance.

Yone, League of Legends, champions, runes, item builds, power spikes, starting items, core items, critical strike chance, attack speed, attack damage, lifesteal, healing, survivability.