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Possible Changes to Riven, Vayne, and Master Yi for League’s Patch 9.10 Discussed by Riot Repertoir

Riot Games to Address Balance Issues in Upcoming Patch

Riven, one of the most-played champions in the League of Legends top lane, may finally see some adjustments in Patch 9.10. This comes after numerous player requests for a nerf or adjustment to the champion due to her high win rate in the role.

David “Repertoir” Capurro, the lead live gameplay designer for Riot, shared the team’s plans for the next patch. In addition to Riven, changes are expected for Vayne, Master Yi, the Runic Echoes jungle item enchantment, as well as general champion, item, and rune tuning.

In a post on the Dev Corner, Capurro explained that while Riven and Vayne have been powerful for several patches, their performance is not deemed excessively imbalanced. However, the team acknowledges that these champions can be frustrating to play against and plans to address this issue in the long run.

Master Yi’s effectiveness at lower MMR and his diminishing effectiveness at higher ranks will also be looked into. The team is considering various solutions, such as increasing agency but reducing scaling, introducing executional skill checks, and creating clearer counterplay opportunities against him.

The team will also examine the power level of the Runic Echoes jungle item enchantment and monitor trends during the first few days of Patch 9.9 to plan potential changes for Patch 9.10.

These upcoming adjustments aim to address balance issues and improve the overall gameplay experience in League of Legends.

Riot Games, League of Legends, Riven, Vayne, Master Yi, Patch 9.10, balance issues, gameplay, champion tuning, item tuning, rune tuning.