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Yuumi, the Enchanted Feline, will launch on May 14th

Yuumi: The Newest Support Champion in League of Legends

Yuumi, also known as the Magical Cat, has finally been revealed to the world. Initially leaked, this new League champion has caused a lot of speculation among fans. Now, we have all the details about her splash art and abilities.

Yuumi’s master, Norra, is a mysterious mage who accidentally left her behind with only her spellbook. Yuumi embarks on a journey to find her master while making new friends along the way.

Yuumi's Abilities

Riot Games has confirmed that Yuumi is a support champion, specifically an enchanter. Her kit is designed to stay close to her allies.

Yuumi’s Special Abilities

  • Passive: Bop ‘n’ Block
  • Q: Prowling Projectile
  • W: You and Me! (unattached), Change of Plans (attached)
  • E: Zoomies
  • R: Final Chapter

Yuumi’s most notable ability is her W, You and Me!. It allows her to attach to an allied champion, becoming untargettable by enemies except turrets. While attached, Yuumi and her ally share a percentage of each other’s AD or AP as Adaptive Force. This ability can be recast with no cooldown to switch allies or un-attach.

As an enchanter, Yuumi has sustain in her kit. Her passive grants her next auto attack the ability to restore mana and provide a shield to her and her attached ally. Her E ability heals both herself and her attached ally while granting a temporary movement speed boost.

Yuumi’s Q ability is a projectile that deals magic damage and slows the target. When attached, it becomes a guided rocket controlled by Yuumi’s mouse.

Her ultimate ability, Final Chapter, shoots seven waves of magic damage in a straight line, rooting any enemies hit by three waves. Yuumi can move, cast other abilities, or switch allies while channeling her ultimate.

Playing as Yuumi

Yuumi’s playstyle relies heavily on her allies and her squishiness when alone. It is important to choose when to be attached to an ally and when to be alone to zone or poke enemies. In the mid game, she should strategically choose which ally to attach to, based on the situation. In team fights, Yuumi can use her ultimate to root enemies and provide heals and shields to her team.

Yuumi is a team-oriented champion and is perfect for newer players who want to stick with their allies. She will be available for testing on the PBE on April 30 and will be officially released on May 14.

Yuumi, League of Legends, new champion, support, enchanter, abilities, playstyle, PBE, release date