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LNG Esports’ Sett makes competitive debut, suffers loss against TOP Esports

Sett’s Competitive Debut Falls Short for LNG Esports Against TOP Esports

The highly anticipated release of League of Legends’ new champion, Sett, generated a lot of excitement. However, this excitement did not translate into success on the professional stage for LNG Esports, as they suffered a loss in Sett’s competitive debut earlier today.

TOP Esports effectively exploited many of Sett’s weaknesses in their composition. They focused on playing ranged champions like Vladimir, Lucian mid, and Miss Fortune. Additionally, they had strong peel and disengage with Nautilus and Gragas, making it difficult for Sett to engage effectively. Throughout the game, TOP Esports showcased their great pick potential.

As a result, LNG Esports’ Li “Flandre” Xuan-Jun found himself playing from behind in the match. He was successfully ganked at the five-minute mark and was picked off at crucial moments throughout the match. Unfortunately, Flandre’s team was not strong enough to counter TOP Esports’ teamfighting strength.

Sett’s low range posed a significant problem for Flandre as he was constantly kited down by TOP Esports’ 369 and Knight. Flandre had to walk up to the enemy to attack, but the strong peel and range damage of the opposing team made it difficult for him to be effective.

While Sett may be an exciting champion to watch, his kit might not be as useful in the competitive scene. Coordinated teams can effectively play around his abilities and avoid clustering together for his ultimate.

[Related Sett, League of Legends, esports, competitive debut, LNG Esports, TOP Esports, weaknesses, champion, ranged champions, composition, pick potential, teamfighting strength]